How do I make it pan while she's talking?

I can’t get it to pan while “MOM” is talking:


@zoom on 447 209 to 425% in 0

    MOM (talk_apathetic)
    And don’t get my words mixed up, I couldn’t give a flying rat's *ss about your petty bullsh*t.

@zoom on 427 235 to 573% in 0

@MORGAN FREEMAN is idle_sad

@PLACEHOLDER is idle_sad

@speechbubble is 210 205 to 100% with tail_bottom_right
But you’re so wrapped up in this bubble of bllshit – that you should have outgrown when you were fcking teenagers- that innocent people are getting caught in the crossfires!
@speechbubble reset

@zoom on 519 235 to 573% in 4


You use the & command? Also I would use a parody of his name because it wouldn’t be a passing reference. And I would fix those errors as well because you need to put the layers down.

Above where the code is for her talking, use &zoom on {spot}
Should look like:
@speechbubble is {spot for speechbubbble}
&zoom on {spot for zoom}
But you’re so wrapped up… {and so on}

&zoom on 519 235 to 573% in 4

But you’re so wrapped up in this bubble of b llshit – that you should have outgrown when you were f cking teenagers- that innocent people are getting caught in the crossfires


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