How do I make the overlay stop repeating itself?

So, I need help. I’m trying to use the car overlay and try to make the character drive away - it’ll look fine at first but then it starts to replay itself the second time - Is there a way to make it not repeat itself? :thinking:

Can you post your code?

Of course :smile:

EXT. LOS ANGELES STREET - DAY with CAR ANGLE VINTAGE to 1.012 -364 -164 in zone 3
music city_ambient_lp
@JOELLE enters from left to screen center and JOELLE is run_athletic_neutral_loop
@follow JOELLE to screen center in zone 3 and JOELLE does it while run_athletic_neutral_loop
@JOELLE is tinker_kneel_neutral_loop
@JOELLE spot 1.280 254 -164 and JOELLE is idle
EXT. LOS ANGELES STREET - DAY with CAR ANGLE VINTAGE to 1.012 -364 -164 in zone 3
&cut to zone 3
@overlay CAR ANGLE VINTAGE shifts to 1.012 -298 in zone 3 in 3
&JOELLE walks to spot 1.280 287 -161 in 3
EXT. LOS ANGELES STREET - DAY with CAR ANGLE VINTAGE to 1.012 -364 -164 in zone 3
&cut to zone 3
@overlay CAR ANGLE VINTAGE shifts to 1.012 -262 in zone 3 in 3
music off

Hmm… you do have 2 codes why don’t delete one? And you don’t have to change the background just use shift command to the point you want

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Try this:

EXT. LOS ANGELES STREET - DAY with CAR ANGLE VINTAGE to 1.012 -364 -164 in zone 3
music city_ambient_lp
@JOELLE enters from left to screen center and JOELLE is run_athletic_neutral_loop
@follow JOELLE to screen center in zone 3 and JOELLE does it while run_athletic_neutral_loop
@JOELLE is tinker_kneel_neutral_loop
@JOELLE spot 1.280 254 -164 and JOELLE is idle
@pause for a beat
&overlay CAR ANGLE VINTAGE shifts to 1.012 -298 in zone 3 in 3
@JOELLE walks to spot 1.280 624 -312 in 3 AND JOELLE does it while idle
music off

Yes, it helped! Thank you so much!!! :laughing: