How do you add gems to your choices?

If you go the Episode guides (located next to my stories and art catalog at the top of your Writer’s Portal), on the side you can find Gem Choices. Select that and there are two subheadings for it- Coding Gem Choices & Guide to Writing Good Gem Choices. Click on Coding Gem Choices to see how it’s done:

@LorSalso55 , you don’t have to be part of the Writer’s Payment Program to use gem choices. Read this (from the Episode guides):

And check this thread out:

Regarding this:

@Davidcrvz , I believe a gem choice needs to have 2 things- the tag GEMS, as mentioned above in the Episode guides article regarding this, and a name for it, so it would look something like this:

choice (NAME)
< GEMS >“Choice 1”{

}“Choice 2”{

}“Choice 3”{


Anyways, have a great day and good luck with everything! :black_heart: