How do you feel about long chapters?

Well in that case, I don’t have filler! :smile: I hear you, dialogue is the core of every Episode story - Even the way characters talk, how they say it and especially what they say can reveal so much about a character’s personality no matter the topic whether or not it’s relevant to the ongoing plot. I think it’s important that authors assign each character their own voice - It makes them feel real since we all speak differently and express ourselves differently. I will say that some authors may also have filler-like scenes just to give the characters a break from the ongoing plot, if that makes sense which is great as long as we can connect to the characters in some way.


I’ve found with most break from the plot scenes you’re still getting character development. You’re seeing that the character needs a break from everything going on and how they react to getting that break. How they react to that downtime can tell you a lot about the character as well. And I totally agree about every character having their own voice. No two people are alike, so why should two characters be. I usually make a point of assigning characters specific mannerisms as well. Like one tends to do the shift weight animation when idle like they’re full of energy and can’t stand still, while another always has their arms crossed appearing somewhat standoff-ish or defensive. It’s the little details that really help.


Awesome, I’m on the right track, you totally read my mind it makes me feel more confident to write my story lol.

100%! What animations you use can also provide insight into your character’s personality. For example I wouldn’t use the talk_handsraisedhappy_loop animation for one of my characters who’s known to be indifferent/moody.

I run into this problem with the animations all the time. There are some I want to use for the gestures, but then the look on their face is too happy or sad to work for the character. :laughing:

Yeah, I get that. That’s when I would rely heavily on the dialogue to work it’s magic and carry out the effect I want it to do. :sweat_smile:

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Long chapters between 5-12min are honestly fun to read if the story is good. It also makes spending gems on a story more worth it if the episodes are a little bit longer and the writing is entertaining.

Aww tysm! :lemon: :blob_hearts:

I hate long chapters ngl, my attention span sucks ass

I prefer watching an episode of an anime/tv show over reading for 20-30 minutes

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I have mixed feelings about it.

Yes, you get value for your passes BUT I personally usually read very late at night or before sleeping and I also usually binge-watch. So, if I spend 2h reading, and I only end up reading 3 episodes, I’m more likely to stop reading as it’s going to take me a long time to finish the story (if it’s complete, or even if it has 10 episodes) since I don’t read more than 2 hours/day, nor everyday :confused: Sometimes I just want to read one episode before sleeping, so if it’s going to take me 1h to finish the chapter… :grimacing:

I’ve read a story with chapters that tend to be on the longer side, and for that specific story I don’t mind, but I don’t think I could only read stories with long chapters. I feel like sometimes you need a “break”. Reading 3 episodes in 30 min or reading 1 episode for 30 min is different, it asks too much focus :joy:. Now I don’t mind 15 min, but anything above that is a bit too long for me personally :slight_smile:


Honestly I feel the same. I cannot read one episode for 20-30minutes without taking multiple breaks. 10 minutes tops maybe. That’s long enough for me.
I’d do so much better with a short 20 min- half hour show rather than a book or episode chapter.
It all depends on the mood. and my attention span:/
Long chapters are great, but 10 minutes is certainly more than enough time for me.

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I’m cool with 15-20 minute chapters, but anything longer than 20 minutes is too long for me, unless I’m absolutely in love with the story.