How Do you make a vampire's eye color change?

If you read over my thread, you will come across the eye color example:

  1. My character JEM has the eye color Brown Black
  2. I use the previews feature to change her eye color.

@JEM previews eyesColor Violet

She will now have that eye color (Violet) throughout the episode.

  1. I can change her eye color to what it originally was by using the unpreviews feature.

@JEM unpreviews eyesColor Violet

She will now be back in her original eye color, which was Brown Black.

Basically NAME needs to be replaced with a feature that exists and CHARACTER becomes your character’s name. To see a list of eye colors or any other feature name, go to characters.

Link to my thread: HOW TO: Use the previews and unpreviews directing command 💜 🌙