How does the writer's portal define "branches" when it comes to maxing out gem choices?

I have a nested gem choice, and I want to be able to show a 5th gem choice to the readers that did not select the first gem choice that leads to the nested one… But the portal won’t let me. Even though, this way the readers still see only 5 gem choices and not the entire 6…

How do I make sure that I have 5 gem choices “per branch”? How does the portal define a “branch”?

So, here’s the gist of how my code goes:

    Do you want to buy gem choice 1? 
choice (gemchoice1) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 1." {
gain boughtgemchoice1
    Do you want to buy nested gem choice 1? 
choice (nestedgemchoice1) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy nested gem choice 1!" {

"No, thanks." {

"No, thanks." {

    Do you want to buy gem choice 2? 
choice (gemchoice2) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 2." {

"No, thanks." {


    Do you want to buy gem choice 3? 
choice (gemchoice3) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 3." {

"No, thanks." {


    Do you want to buy gem choice 4? 
choice (gemchoice4) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 4." {

"No, thanks." {


if (boughtgemchoice1) {
goto theend
else {
    Do you want to buy gem choice 5? 
choice (gemchoice5) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 5." {

"No, thanks." {


label theend

Edit: I’m only finding a couple workarounds to fix this, but they’re both a lot of hassle. One of them is the one I listed below, where you have to copy and paste your whole entire story into two branches, one where the reader does not select the gem choice that leads to the nested gem branch, and one where the reader does select it.

The other workaround is to group multiple gem choices into one, scale the speechbubble to 0% and use some kind of points/gains system to keep track of where the reader is with the choices. If you need some kind of text, you can do the “ui/overlay create text” thing, and just spot place it on the screen. You can technically have as many gem choices as you want this way, but I wouldn’t recommend having more than 5 per branch, as I believe that’s against the guidelines. This is still a lot of hassle but less hassle than copying/pasting the entire story into two branches :laughing:

I really wish that the portal would actually let us do “5 gem choices per branch,” but alas, it doesn’t.

I had the same problem, and I was wondering the exact same thing ! I feel like they count 5 within the entire story, and not per branch :thinking:

hopefully someone clears the confusion


So the only way I got this to work is by literally copy and pasting the entire code into the two branches, like this: (But then the portal told me I had to rename the “same name” gem choices)

    Do you want to buy gem choice 1? 
choice (gemchoice1) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 1." {
gain boughtgemchoice1
    Do you want to buy nested gem choice 1? 
choice (nestedgemchoice1) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy nested gem choice 1!" {
    Do you want to buy gem choice 2? 
choice (gemchoice2) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 2." {

"No, thanks." {

    Do you want to buy gem choice 3? 
choice (gemchoice3) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 3." {

"No, thanks." {

    Do you want to buy gem choice 4? 
choice (gemchoice4) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 4." {

"No, thanks." {


"No, thanks." {

"No, thanks." {
    Do you want to buy gem choice 2? 
choice (gemchoice2_2) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 2." {

"No, thanks." {

    Do you want to buy gem choice 3? 
choice (gemchoice3_2) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 3." {

"No, thanks." {

    Do you want to buy gem choice 4? 
choice (gemchoice4_2) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 4." {

"No, thanks." {

    Do you want to buy gem choice 5? 
choice (gemchoice5) 
<GEMS:5> "Yes, buy gem choice 5." {

"No, thanks." {



It’s way too much hassle to do it this way :sob: I don’t want to copy/paste my whole entire story twice. :sneezing_face:

Use labels. That way you can separate the choices out and then combine the story at the end of the choices.

if (boughtgemchoice1) {
goto Bought_Gem_Choice_1
} else {
goto Did_Not_Buy_Gem_Choice_1

label Bought_Gem_Choice_1
(add your 5 gem choices for people who bought the first one here)
goto Continue_Story

label Did_Not_Buy_Gem_Choice_1
(add your 5 gem choices for people who DID NOT buy the first one here)
goto Continue_Story

Would that work?

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