How high are your standards for episode stories?

Like bruh :skull: its embarrassing grow up


i have my standards when it comes to reading
1, Punctuations. Itā€™s a book, a work of art. If a book doesnā€™t have reasonable punctuations, it will make me feel like the author didnā€™t put enough effort into the story, or the author is not good at writing. I made this mistake before, I think all writer does.
2, Animations. Lines developed by characters must have various animations, or else it will look stiff. An animation for each line is good, but changing it up makes it more natural.
3, Grammar. Really frustrating to read a book that has bad grammar, which could be easily spotted if someone read it again.
4, Bad simple directing. For example, a scene starts, then out of nowhere, characters pop up. And there are very confusing change of scene that is so frustrating.

I am so not qualified to code my own story because Iā€™m still learning and my directing skills really suck.

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Exactlyyyyyyyyy :raised_hand:

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For me, I feel like I am pretty picky on what I expect from a story.

The intro has to be short and sweet, and I really donā€™t mind if there is CC or not.

Itā€™s a huge pet peeve of mine when the story starts and the MC reveals everything about themselves, leaving the readers with nothing to surprise them later with. The same goes for when they introduce their best friends or family really fast. Like, it isnā€™t THAT hard to assume who the MC is friends with.

I also hate when the pilot episode reveals the entire plot. By this I meanā€¦ if the story is about a nerd and a bad boy falling in love, they shouldnā€™t fall in love and or kiss by the second episode! It just absolutely ruins the whole story for me.

I also hate long outros! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I also dislike when the plot itself is so rushed. I like stories that take their time to reveal big parts of the story.

Overall, I will give every story a chance, but these are immediate dealbreakers for me. :sweat_smile:


Do you think there should be full stops at the end of each bit of speech?

  • Yes
  • No

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I am just trying to write a story at the minute and thought Iā€™d ask

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This has been said a lot, but grammar and spelling (I stopped reading so many books I thought were super interesting like College of Eternity and any other Sopho book) because of the English. Also, anytime the MC victimizes themselves, thereā€™s physical violence, or thereā€™s a ton of unnecessary miscommunication, I donā€™t read. Long zooms and pauses all the time, directing that isnā€™t at least as good as mine, and no character development, or the characters are super unrealistic Mary Sueā€™s with the caveat that ā€œoh my parents donā€™t love meā€, characters naturally good at everything, ect. are also things I look for.

My standards are quite high, Iā€™ve only finished like seven stories and I honestly donā€™t know if even the ones I write reach my standards, but if I donā€™t enjoy a written work, I wonā€™t read it.

sky high.

list of what the story need to have.
a good story.
and good characters
I wanna read good stories, I dont like it. if I dont like your stories characters I am not reading
And has to be something I am interested in. your story can be good but not for me. example I dont like comedy stories, there are written not funny but just people been stupid and doing stupid stuff, its cringy and I hate it. and I wont read it

Things I still want but can live with out. but then the story also has to be really good
some few directing mistakes
some grammar mistakes.

For me I would say realistic dialogue and characters are the most important thing.

I am willing to excuse a lot of cliches and plot devices not making the most sense if I feel like I can get invested in the characters regardless. This includes dialogue that actually shows personality, side characters having their own lifes outside of the main plot etc. I feel like a lot of episode stories focus so much on the MC they kind of forget there are other characters there and I often abandon stories, because I feel like I donā€™t want to spend more time interacting with those characters, becuase they are boring or one-dimensional.

Also the classic jealous possessive LI is a big no in my book. Like I get that people want a strong protective character, but this is so not how you should go about it. If I see the word ā€œmafiaā€ or ā€œalphaā€ anywhere I just automatically quit at this point. Not worth it.

On the topic of that, I really appreciate when a story lets you decide not to date the LI. Sometimes the story is good and well written, but the LI is just not really someone I could see the MC end up with. Although this is more like a nit pick than a requirement for me to have fun while reading.

Grammar and spelling mistakes Iā€™m generally willing to excuse as long as thereā€™s not too many of them.

Badly done walking animations are also really annoying. All of the other ones I can look past but badly done walking just looks soooo weird.

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Unfortunately for myself, I read a few amazingly directed and written Episode stories by authors such as Dana Violet, Charlie Cee and BLAIR and now I canā€™t go back to anything that isnā€™t like theirs. So basically now my standards for stories are quite high if Iā€™m being honest. :sob:

Although if the plot is interesting and the directing is good then Iā€™ll read it. Directing is probably the biggest thing for me.

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A lot of things put me off because Iā€™m picky as hell, but hereā€™s two of them:

Authorā€™s notes at the beginning of the story. Itā€™s SO unnecessary and 8 out of 10 times that story turns out to be meh.

Info dump at the start of Episode 1. Iā€™m talking about the ones where MC literally narrates their whole life story 2 seconds in ā€˜Iā€™m (name) Iā€™m x years old and my parents left me when I was young blablaā€™ and then cut to the scene where she wakes up in her generic Episode bedroom and starts her day. Please, find more creative and subtle ways to introduce your cast and settings.

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For me, I really hate extremely long intros. Even if the directing is so good, if the intro is more than a minute, Iā€™m out. Too much warning in the intro too puts me off like please tap slowlyšŸ™„
Bad grammar
ClichĆ© stories like good girl bad boy or mafia stories (I just donā€™t read them anymore)
Annoying female MCs
I get bored easily so I donā€™t like too long chapters
I like it when thereā€™s music and sound in a story, it keeps me more involved.


Yeah I agree with that ^^
The only story Iā€™ve ever loved having long chapters is ā€˜dripping mascaraā€™, where the author did episodes with sometimes up to about 7000 lines or more, genuinely took you about half an hour to 45 minutes to read it :joy: But her story also has like 120 chapters or so, and I loved the story so so much. So the only exception for long chapters would be ā€˜specialsā€™ or if I REALLY dig the storyline, not just when Iā€™m trying one out and donā€™t really care about it much yet.

chile ok ik this is SUCH A BAD HABIT but idk why i would click on a story literally one line could go pass and id just exit like i do this with tv shows aswell and it needs to stop idk what it is but yeah :sneezing_face: :sob:


My standards are pretty high for episode stories lemme list what makes me stop reading them

-cliche plots
-The longgg intros
-the rando pregnancies
-randomly h0rny characters
-The lack of diversity
-The bAd BoYs
-ā€œsToRy gets bEtTeR aT ChApTer ā€¦ā€
-always having the smart person have glasses
-Having high school boys middle school boysā€¦ with the male athletic body

the list can go on but ehh ā€¦

if you want me to list what makes me more interested i can do that


Tbh pretty low :joy:

If it has HORRIBLE spelling, then thatā€™s a no
If your characters have no originality then Iā€™m probably going to click off.

What can I say I have very low expectations so Iā€™m rarely disappointed :woman_shrugging:
Episode is kinda a guilty pleasure story source for me, not a detailed heartfelt story I love place-


omg this blew up. i feel famous! thanks for your input guys, keep it coming! im reading all of these.


iā€™d love to hear it!

hmmm when im reading episode stories i want to see

-Strong Female Mc
-Sad endings or bittersweet
-CC (Nice to have but not a must)
-Art Scenes (for the fellow digital artists)
-Hairstyle and lipstick choice

why do I keep forgetting everything I was gonna say

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-Name customization (not necessary but i like to have it)
-Good characters
-Good grammar

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Tbh i dont really know how picky i am but i dont have a list of requirements. like i feel like i can look past a lot of things if theres at least one aspect of the episode that i like so comparatively, probably not that picky.

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