How Long Should 1 Episode/Chapter be?

Hew so I would like to know everyone’s opinions on this!!! Personally MY opinion 1000 line is too short for me that’s including coding, directing, dressing games and character customization etc :woman_shrugging:

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the line amout itself ins not a good guide its the reading time.

Why it is not good guide,

Because if somebody is advanced director who has lot of dificul overlay animations and choices he will need for the same chapter much more lines than if he would write using only simply directing…with both ways he can get the same reading time while with the advanced directing he can be on 3 or more times higher number of lines.

for me the right lenghs is somewhere between 10-20 minutes of reading - preferably 15-18.


All my early stories are about 1000 lines long and we’re about 10 minutes in length… Now 1000 lines is child’s play for me. Once I got the hang of directing and branching, it was like a drug. I have one story where the intro itself is 1000 lines and the episode is about 20000 lines and still only goes for 10 minutes.

So idek any more. I think it just depends on the story. Some stories honestly suit having short episodes


haha…my directing must be really lame comparing to yours…I am done (without CC) usually around 1700 lines.:joy::joy::joy::joy:


No, mine is just a lot of branching. Gender choices automatically double a script

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I prefer 10-15 mins. I just test it by going on a timer and reading the whole episode. It’s worth doing a poll on Instagram to check how long your audience likes, or you can go with your own preference.

Remember, if you can’t sit through and read your chapter without getting bored, the chances are, your readers won’t either.


Love you answer! I thought about the timer thing once (never tried it) but I will use that method. Also I HAVE to re read my episode at least 5 time to make sure there are no spelling errors, spot error etc, and if there is a part where I could possibly get bored I just switch it up to make it interesting!!!

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I think it depends on the directing. If you let the readers customize their characters, then obviously the chapter should probably be at least 3000 lines, since customization takes up to 1000 lines (I think).
I have 2000 lines on my chapters, but that’s because I don’t have customization. That equals approximately 10 minutes. Personally I don’t like chapter that are longer than that. :smile:


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