How Many Lines of Code is your Chapter?

48 different outcomes-! What…?!
Is there an LGBTQ version? Is that why?


No no it’s a cooking game with different dishes and recipes. You’re performance is graded based on the ingredients you use and how the dish is cooked.


Ooh, okay. I’ve never made a minigame before, but I’ve heard they’re really hard. Sounds interesting!


They’re not liars lol. It took me a week to code that thing. It nearly drove me crazy and I almost scrapped it. But I came up with a way to code easier after a certain point.

Ever heard of a loom? Dealing with splits gets increasingly frustrating as you split them more, hense the 48 outcomes :sob:


Yikes! Great job, I don’t have the patience for that :flushed:


Depressing part is, most readers are only gonna play it once and be done with it even though there’s 4 different dishes to try with increasingly harder difficulties. :skull_and_crossbones::coffin:

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yep :black_heart:

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Not counting CC, about 1,000 - 2,000 lines of code (including dialog, actions, ect.)

Sure! Here’s the link if you wanna check it out :v:

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I would really not much bother about the line amount since it is so heavily based on coding style.

I am an advanced coder - in meaning what all I “can” do - but I don’t use that much of it in my stories as it seems to compare to some people here and their amount of lines. :smiley: :sweat_smile:

Mine chapters without CC and recap are usually somewhere between 1200-1800 lines of code.
And despite of it my story made it to 1 place in its genre without being pumped from start to end with special effects… so even all the overlay animations are amazing and can add some extra to your story still more important is the “storytelling itself” - you can make story people love without a big bunch of code - seriously it’s not like the more lines and more effects the better story.


You guys must have resilient laptops cause I know if I had over 10k lines of coding in ONE episode mine would lag and crash like crazy.
:cowboy_hat_face: :point_up:

I have a bunch of unfinished stuff right now but I’m estimating my longest script is going to be around 7k lines maybe? Probably more cause of minigames, overlays, and point system (and it’s also a high school drama with multiple MCs), but I’ll see when I’m done with the first chapter, and my shortest is 1k because it has no CC and also doesn’t have a lot of drama, it’s just a “flowy” story.


2.5k is the minimum in my stories that don’t offer branching or CC.
My stories that have branching and CC — it’s a lot more.

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Say it girl! My old laptop crashed at 2k :joy:
My new one is holding out.

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I hope mine never crashes :anguished:

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This is the truth! :point_up:t5::fist:t5:
Put more effort into your sorryline and character development. If that’s solid then go crazy on them effects later :grin::ok_hand:t5:


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