How much do you pay for backgrounds?


The artist’s has their own backgrounds right? Since you said the artist never heard of Episode, so if you have told the artist about Episode, and if you are using Episode’s backgrounds for the commission then it is not allowed. If you are not using Episode backgrounds/assets then you are good to go.

If you are talking about something else where the artist get backgrounds from a different site, then your okay to charge/pay.

Episode, do NOT allow their assets to be commissioned, because they mentioned it and stated it in their thread, and this is their company and their assets. We can use their backgrounds for editing (meaning editing on the background with adding episode characters, texts, and more but do not commission when you are editing backgrounds and selling it), stories, pfp, etc. but the only thing that we are NOT ALLOWED to do, is use their assets for commissions to get money from it. It’s their terms/rules.