How should I create a Indian Character And A Character With Aspergers?

Hey people!

So I’m creating a story about a reality tv show, but I’m struggling with the culture and personality aspect.

I have an Indian character named Jai Patel:

He’s humble, family oriented, kinda sarcatic at times, and from Dahli, India.

I’ve researched some about cultures in India, but I’m not sure. So can some Indian creators help me out. I also need to figure out what religion he is.
Which religion should Jai be?

  • Buddhism
  • Islam
  • Hinduism

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I also have a charater named Phonix Holt. She has Asperger’s syndrome:

She’s very socially awkward, even with the people she loves. Phonix is obsessed with aliens and outer space in general. When she’s in a dark place, she resorts to believeing she’s an alien from a planet called Crara A6V4. She loves bright colors and donuts. She is Filipino, but she likes her alien culture more than her filipino culture.

EDIT I’ve decided to take Phoenix out of the story until I know more about Aspergers. Thank you for all the suggestions :grin:


I am not asperger but autistic, but not really anyway if I read a story I would feel very insulted if I opened a story to find a person with diagoinse portayed as the crazy one.

asprgers arent crazy. just the clothes alone makes me angry, clothes can be very painfull to us. we usally dont like the touch of fabrich, the little mark in shirt and pants(I dont know english word) is tourture to many on the spectrum. high heels i a no go they are painfull and limit movement.

I am not saying we dont obbese, ask me about star wars I will talk for hours. but this charater just seem wrong,

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The religion of your Indian character is totally your choice cause so many different religions of people live in India. Still I would recommend to make him a Hindu or Muslim cause they are the most common.
I’m sorry I can’t help with the character with Aspergers…

also please note I know a lot of people with asperger and a lot of other people with diagoines, and the biggest chock to you would be how much you woudnt notice, you would never know before they actually tell you. a think many learn is how to camufalogh themself in evryday settings. its just that people cant keept hidden so if you spend a lot of time with one with a disgoinse you will see something arent right.

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Is this more of what someone with Aspergers would wear? I made it more comfortable, but I don’t want take away the accessories, they’re important to the story.

I still feel like you charatere is kinda insulting. jewlery is often also things we avoid because its anoying.

I honestly think you should remove the aspgerger part, I know very little of your charatere but it dosent seem like you want her to be asperger, but a crazy queercy girl

I look at her the same way an black person would look at this picture disturbed and insulted.


again I dont know what she is like in the story, so maybe she aren’t like I see her here. but as she looks now I you have no idea what asperger is. and you just write she is it to add some kind of diversity, when you are more like stereotyping her as the crazy weird girl

Okay thanks for your help. I’ll take her out of the story. Sorry if I offended you

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its fine, I am happy you at least ask for advice, autism is often shown in wrong ways, some of the biggest support groups show autism in the wrong way and they are supposed to be the ones who help us,

if you wanna add Asperger or autistic person, I can send you some very good youtube channels there actually represent it the right way.

I m Indian too :hugs:

:thinking::thinking: actually it’s “Delhi, India” not Dahli, India. And I think you shouldn’t add culture because Indian has more than multiple culture, Even, if wanted to add, do search in detail Because if you did any mistakes it might be offended for Indian.

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Hello! I have Aspergers. Please PM me and I’ll explain all I can.

Hey dude. I don’t think you should have to take Phonix out of the story but adjust her outfit and properly educate yourself about Asperger before writing her because many things can be considered offensive. Also, she should wear ordinary clothes not clothing that makes her look crazy because that can be offensive and is an untrue portrayal. No hate, I just want you to know my opinion about this :slight_smile:

hi :slightly_smiling_face: I can’t help you on indian culture, but I might be able to help with your character with autism. i teach a class full of kiddos who I love to pieces (but are probably a great deal more severe than your MC). so autism (they did away with aspergers excluding prior diagnoses, but hey that’s just formalities) by definition is a social communication disorder defined by impairments in communication and repetitive/restricted behaviors and interests. that’s great you came up with some of the things your character is interested in, those will be very important. but since you will likely have some readers who also have autism, you’ll want to make sure you accurately portray your character, so I’m going to break this up into three branches:

  • communication: there is a huge range within the au spectrum of what this means; for some this could mean difficulty with pragmatics, for other this could mean difficulty in producing verbal language for reciprocal social interactions (this is typically on the more severe end). some might be echolalic (repeating words/phrases) others might not. this doesn’t mean that a person with au is necessarily introverted or avoids others - I actually have some precious kiddos in my class who are nonverbal, echolalic, and super extroverted (you can imagine what a joy it is to see them every day :heart:). a lot of individuals with au have also been through lots of therapies to help with their communication skills (some learn a systematic way of navigating pragmatics of conversation, others learn another way to communicate altogether, sometimes with an AAC device, or a talker). if you choose to, it might be cool to reference this through flashbacks or having your MC think aloud through some of the strategies they were taught during conversations. many people with au are very visual, and if you’re interested, I have a lot of strategies that your MC can reflect back on. :slightly_smiling_face: au can be comorbid (meaning simultaneous conditions) or it cannot (my kiddos also have intellectual disabilities but not everyone with au is that way). I saw you mentioned that your MC believes she is in her fantasy whenever she is in a tough time - this doesn’t seem like a characteristic of autism, but rather some other disorder that affects the way people interpret reality. if you choose to include that in your story, I would probably mention the dual-diagnosis otherwise people might be very confused.

  • behaviors/interests: just like the above, there is a wide range of what this means. we all have favorites, this just means that due to the communication impairment, these favorites become more pronounced. some examples of what this might look like: a person who has a systematic way of doing something that rarely strays from the schedule (e.g. after school - unpack backpack, eat cheetos, watch an hour of cartoons); a person who loves trains and even if the other person doesn’t appear interested, continues to bring up the topic of trains; a person who is echolalic and frequently repeats their favorite line or phrases; stimming. okay stimming (or stereotypy) is any kind of repetitive movement - we all do it to some degree (fidgeting with your hands during a speech, rubbing your neck when stressed). the stimming might look like hand/arm flapping, rocking, biting a pencil, head banging, humming, vocalizations, the options are endless. some do it when they’re just hanging out because it just feels right, some do it when they are in a heightened state (very happy, very upset), and some do both. which brings me to my last point . . .

  • frustrations: as you can imagine, there is a great deal of frustration to be had when your social communication is on a different wavelength than the people you are interacting with. the frustration can lead to stress, and increased stimming as a calming reflex, and for some it can lead to a full blown meltdown. the frustration depends on the person and can be from a confusion on why your words/actions were interpreted by others in a different way than you would have interpreted them, breaking of a rigid schedule, strong emotions you aren’t able to communicate, sensory issues, and many more. just like with the repetitive behaviors, many people with au can have difficulties regulating sensory input (sensory meaning things you feel, smell, touch, see, and taste) - either too much or too little. sensitivity to touch is fairly common, and many brands have actually designed clothing lines specifically for people who are sensitive to things like scratchy materials and noisy embellishments. when a person with au goes into a meltdown, it is a bit different. it is often more extreme, has an elevating state of arousal prior to the meltdown, and can either end immediately after the source of frustration is eliminated or can take some time to recover from. i’ll give you some examples from my class: we hate fire drills lol (and admin hates them for us); the flashing lights, harsh sounds, and immediate disruption of schedule is very upsetting to our students - admin usually lets us know prior to the drill so we can give our kids time to prepare and so that we can get them outside before the alarm goes off. this is where therapy really comes into play - just like in regular talk-therapy, many individuals with au go to therapy to recognize and develop strategies for recognizing when their frustrations are beginning to rise are how to navigate it safely without going into a meltdown.

This was really long and in no way covers everything, but I hope some of it was helpful to you when thinking about how to develop your MC. I have a lot of movies and short films that could help give more insight on what it is like to have autism if you are interested. :slightly_smiling_face: Also if any readers with autism want add to or correct anything that was said, you are more than welcome to do so. This is from a teacher’s perspective, but it is always so important to hear from people first hand.


these are two supporting characters with autism in one of my stories, Divya and Vishal. These fab kids are cousins; they both rock in their chairs, Vishal wears noise cancelling headphones and can repeat phrases, Divya is nonverbal and super social, she’s always cheering on her friends in class. Catch them both at their end of year class party :wink:


pic 2

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