How should I start my story's pilot?

I’m currently writing a story for the Clue contest. My main character is flying to space with multiple teammates, but I don’t know where I should begin. Should it begin…

  • In the capsule, about to launch
  • Preparing for launch, about to get in the capsule
  • Earlier? Later?

What are your thoughts?

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Maybe she’s preparing and then you see a flashback where she explains how she ended up here


Later: If they crash anywhere, it would be kinda interesting to see them all hurt with tattered clothes and a burning ship. Someone asks “How did this happen?”, “What happened?”, or “Where are we?”. Then the camera zooms on a “clue” and then the scene transitions to the past. Not sure if there’s a way to connect or weave it together. I just thought about a crash lol sorry :sweat_smile:

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  • Preparing for launch, about to get in the capsule

yeah, basically they’re in space and something malfunctions. (lmao im trying not to spoil anything) but thank you for the tips!!

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I love outer space stories! Hope it goes well :slight_smile:

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