How to accurately portray a Jewish character?

Hey guys!
I’ve been researching a lot and would like some first-hand insight on what physical characteristics would a Jewish character have?
From what I’ve researched so far, I’m aware an Orthodox Jewish male will always wear a kippah to cover their heads.
However, I am not Jewish and want to accurately portray jews the best way I can!
If you are Jewish, I would really appreciate dropping some images of male Jewish characters that accurately portray their physical characteristics in Limelight. (if there are any) :blob_hearts:


Hey, maybe @TalGordin could help out on that, she’s Jewish :innocent:


If you have an Instagram, you can contact @TalGordin and she’ll help you out! She also has a drive link where she has listed many more people who can educate us on various topics :heart:

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I’m a reform Jew, and I teach at a synagogue. My Instagram is @talie.epi, so you can always dm me! i know a fair bit of stuff too. (;


Honestly, if you have any questions, feel free to dm me. I promise you won’t sound ignorant. I’ve heard “Do you celebrate 4th of July?” before, so any question sounds better than that.

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Thank you! i’ll check out that drive link for sure :blob_hearts:

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i’ll definitely dm you! :blob_hearts: i only have my personal Instagram account as of now, would you be comfortable with me messaging you from there?

Sure! Anything’s fine.

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