How to add the girl on back seat of the airplane


You have make an overlay of front chair and
Make girl sit in back chair with overlay in front
And adjust layer
@girl moves to layer 1
@overlay OVERLAYNAME layer 2
The higher the number the closer to camera


she is right,i can make you the chair overlay if you want

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Find a overlay or make one.
Then set the overlay layer to 10, opacity 1 and the girls layer to 9 and there you have it!
You can pm me if you have further questions.

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Just make the overlay of the seat and place it by using spot directing then place the character 1 layer below if the overlay and you are done!

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Can you make one please

yes i can however j am away from my house right now so you will have to wait aboutb4 hours and then i will deliver it to you

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