How to let readers customise their character! (Updated)

So this is way much easier than the last one. Literally.

So all you need to do is make a narrator box and type three choices and inside those choices put what I put.

Change Avatar?

choice “Customise Avatar”{

@CHAR goes to character avatar

“Use profile avatar”{

@CHAR becomes female profile avatar


Now make a label and insert a goto at the end of the first 2 choices.

Change Avatar?

label avatar_look

choice “Customise Avatar”{

@CHAR goes to character avatar

goto avatar_look

“Use profile avatar”{

@CHAR becomes female profile avatar

goto avatar_look


Then, leave the “Finished” choice blank and underneath make your character exit.

CREDIT TO: Joseph Evans.


The reasons why I think this is better than using templates is because it is less time consuming and people are able to choose all choices that episode has made rather than trying to fit every one into choices.

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Thank you so much!

Hey @YAY12 there’s a few errors with your statement :sweat_smile:

First of, it should be:

label avatar_look

Change Avatar?

You need dialogue before a choice but instead there is a label there, which is not right and will give you errors. The label should go before the NARRATOR speaks.

Also, @CHAR becomes female profile avatar isn’t a valid directing command. Instead, it is @CHAR becomes female profile

Other than that, everything seems fine ^^

P.S thank you for all the help that you provide :wink:

What if your profile avatar is a male? Is this only for female avatars

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For a guy, it is:

@CHAR becomes male profile

*replace CHAR with what the character’s name is.

Will the profile avatar differ gender based on the reader’s profile avatar

Last I checked, it doesn’t provide all the options customisation has.

Do you mean the character avatar? Yeah, sadly it doesn’t and it would be super great if Episode gave all the options in it so people wouldn’t have to keep updating their templates. Besides, 1 line of code is way easier than so many lines of CC templates.

You can support and like the thread on having all features available for the character avatar here: FEATURE: Add all of the new LL features added to the Character Avatar customization

Hopefully, Episode is working on this update, or will work on it ^^


Bump ^^