How to let readers top up the points?

Hello dear Episodians,
Can anyone please help me with coding on how to let readers top-up their points?
I mean not just adding some points, literally achieving the highest points possible.
I know we can do it manually with lots of if, elif and else. But what I was wondering is if we can do it with something short or more advanced maybe!
I found this while reading “Beauty Boss” by Marion & Catherine. I had like 10 points less from the max point and they gave me an option to top up my points for some gems. And then it showed I have the max points.
Thank you. :blush:

I think you have the answer yourself. To earn points it can be for gems or for mini-games. If you want them to appear after adding it is something like this which would be the usual:

You have [(your character numbers go here)]/10 points.

Would you like to buy points?
"Yes, I would like it." {
How many points would you like to buy?
choice (BUY_POINTS)
<GEMS:5> "Buy 1 point."{
Thank you for your purchase, your point has been added.
You have [(your character numbers go here)]/10 points.

} <GEMS:8> "Buy 2 points."{ 
Thank you for your purchase, your points has been added.
You have [(your character numbers go here)]/10 points.

#And so you continue with the options#

}"No, I'm fine."{
That's fine. 

Thanks for reading (**or whatever you want to put**)

Or just @CHARACTER =10

And if you want it to be with overlays you have to make your overlays and tappable if you don’t know how to do it one could help you!


You’re going to have to count how many points they could get if they do everything right and write
@CHAR = 10


Thank you! :blush:

I see! Thank you. :blush:

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