HOW TO: Let The Reader Choose The MC's Body Type!

HOW TO: Let The Reader Choose The MC’s Body Type!

Hi, it’s me again. So we got some more body types today! I decided to make a script template to help out those who want their readers to pick the MC’s body type!


For Females:

#Let your reader customize the generic MC as default in the CC and then let them choose their body type (basically add your CC here).
@GENERIC_MC stands screen center
label body_type_choice_fem
Choose your body type!
choice (body_type)
@GENERIC_MC stands screen center
@pause for 2
goto confirm_body_choice_fem
}“Plus Size”{
@PLUS_MC stands screen center
@pause for 2
goto confirm_body_choice_fem
@SOFT_MC stands screen center
@pause for 2
goto confirm_body_choice_fem
@ATHLETIC_MC stands screen center
@pause for 2
goto confirm_body_choice_fem
label confirm_body_choice_fem
Is this your body type?
if (body_type is “Generic”){
gain generic_mc_fem
@GENERIC_MC is primp_neutral
@pause for 1
goto after_body_choice_fem
}elif (body_type is “Plus Size”){
gain plus_mc_fem
@PLUS_MC is primp_neutral
@pause for 1
goto after_body_choice
}elif (body_type is “Soft”){
gain soft_mc_fem
@SOFT_MC is primp_neutral
@pause for 1
goto after_body_choice_fem
gain athletic_mc_fem
@ATHLETIC_MC is primp_neutral
@pause for 1
goto after_body_choice_fem
}“No, I made a mistake!”{
goto body_type_choice_fem
label after_body_choice_fem
readerMessage Follow @rubywrites.epy on Instagram! with messageTitle Body Type Template Credit

For Males:
#Let your reader customize the generic MC as default in the CC and then let them choose their body type (basically add your CC here).
@GENERIC_MALE stands screen center
label body_type_choice_male
Choose your body type!
choice (body_type_male)
@GENERIC_MALE stands screen center
@pause for 2
goto confirm_body_choice_male
}“Plus Size”{
@SLIM_MALE stands screen center
@pause for 2
goto confirm_body_choice_male
@SOFT_MALE stands screen center
@pause for 2
goto confirm_body_choice_male
@ATHLETIC_MALE stands screen center
@pause for 2
goto confirm_body_choice_male
label confirm_body_choice_male
Is this your body type?
if (body_type is “Generic”){
gain GENERIC_MALE_male
@GENERIC_MALE is primp_neutral
@pause for 1
goto after_body_choice_male
}elif (body_type is “Plus Size”){
gain SLIM_MALE_male
@SLIM_MALE is primp_neutral
@pause for 1
goto after_body_choice
}elif (body_type is “Soft”){
gain SOFT_MALE_male
@SOFT_MALE is primp_neutral
@pause for 1
goto after_body_choice_male
@ATHLETIC_MALE is primp_neutral
@pause for 1
goto after_body_choice_male
}“No, I made a mistake!”{
goto body_type_choice_male
label after_body_choice_male
readerMessage Follow @rubywrites.epy on Instagram! with messageTitle Body Type Template Credit


  • There are several ways to make sure the body type that the character chose sticks with them throughout the whole story, I use gains (which are included in this template):

For Females:
if (generic_mc_fem){
goto generic_story_branch
}elif (plus_mc_fem){
goto plus_story_branch
}elif (soft_mc_fem){
goto soft_story_branch
goto athletic_story_branch
label generic_story_branch
#Generic storyline here.
goto end_chapter
label plus_story_branch
#Plus-size storyline here.
goto end_chapter
label soft_story_branch
#Soft storyline here.
goto end_chapter
label athletic_story_branch
#Athletic storyline here.
goto end_chapter
label end_chapter
#End of the chapter goes here.

For Males:
if (GENERIC_MALE_male){
goto generic_story_branch_male
}elif (SLIM_MALE_male){
goto plus_story_branch_male
}elif (SOFT_MALE_male){
goto soft_story_branch_male
goto athletic_story_branch_male
label generic_story_branch_male
#Generic storyline here.
goto end_chapter
label slim_story_branch_male
#Slim storyline here.
goto end_chapter
label soft_story_branch_male
#Soft storyline here.
goto end_chapter
label athletic_story_branch_male
#Athletic storyline here.
goto end_chapter
label end_chapter
#End of the chapter goes here.

  • Re-write the story line inside the branches for each gain. If your story uses labels or choice names, you’ll have to change the labels for each storyline.

  • For this to work, you have to create a character for every body type.

    • Make sure to replace the script names with your characters’ names.
  • Add this template after you add your CC template, if it’s before the CC, it won’t work.

    • If you don’t have CC in your story, it works either way.
  • If you want to let the reader choose the body types of multiple females, you have to change the labels and gains for every time you use this template. Feel free to DM me by Instagram so I can change them for you!

  • You must credit me if you use this template! I already added credit in the template, please don’t remove it unless you plan on crediting me somewhere else (your Instagram or at the end of the episode)!

  • Credit must be in every episode in which you use this template!

  • This was inspired by Dara’s thread!, but she hasn’t updated them yet, so I made some!

  • If you get any errors with this script, please let me know by PM so I can fix them!

  • If you want a more detailed version, check out the doc:

  • I’m most likely going to make some more script templates to let the reader change the MC’s body type, which will be located in the “Script Template” section in my Drive! I’ll also post them on this thread!

That’s all for today, happy writing! :joy:


That was fast! Super helpful :two_hearts:


Thank you so much for this! One question… how can I use this template to let the reader choose their body type AND let the reader choose their name? Thank you :slight_smile:


This is really helpful!

You could just add the name template from the portal then put this one after it


Yeah that’s what I’ve done, thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi just letting you know that dara has similar template with solved problem of the different look so you do not have to create the different story branches for the different body types.

Sorry for the late response, but I made this template before Dara posted hers so I was unaware of this other “way”. Since Dara already made hers, I won’t update mine since there wouldn’t be much use in having two of the same templates. Thank you for letting me know, though.

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