How to lock chapters during revamp?

Hey guys!

Does anyone know how to lock existing chapters during re-vamps?

You can loop it (message repeats) or password lock it.

Looping it:

label loop

This story is on loop.
You can’t go any further.

goto loop

labels and gotos: HOW TO: Labels and Gotos đź–¤

password lock it: A Guide to Typed-in Choices


label unlock_code

input What is the password? | What is the password? | Unlock(CODE)

if (CODE is “fluffy”) {
Correct! You’ve unlocked the episode!

} else {
Code incorrect. You can’t play this episode as it’s being revamped so don’t even think about typing in the code again.
goto unlock_code

*if the reader writes fluffy they’ll unlock it. i used fluffy as an example but really u can have any password (monkeytwo, hyowq, etc)


thank you so much!

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So you add this before your chapter starts? And your story will be after this? But no one will see it because they’ll be stuck in the loop.
How does that work for passes? Will a pass be used up?

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Yes, you add it before your story.

label loop

This story is on loop.
You can’t go any further.

goto loop

#whole script here

And if a reader clicks it, they will lose a pass. However once you fix it, re-vamp it and update it, the reader is rewarded a pass, since you updated, to play the episode.

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Okay thanks. That’s what I thought.

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