How to make characters do 2 animations at once |INK|

While my character is talking, how do I make her do 2 animations at once? I saw it done before but never learned :upside_down_face:


U put:

@CHARACTER does talk_angry AND CHARACTER does talk_neutral

idk what 2 do it is probably really obvious…

U forgot to put the name of the character for the dialogue.

I want the character to do those animations while talking

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Yes but u still have to put the name of the character. It will still do it

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Idk what to do and I feel kinda slow…


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It’s gonna work. I did it :slightly_smiling_face:

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IZRA (talk_airquotes)
And my parents are forcing me because “that’s what they saved for.”

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that is completly wrong . its &CHARATERE is ANIMATION THEN CHARATERE is ANIMATION

It could be that too

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