How to Make Multiple Characters enter into a scene at the same time using the spot directing?

I’ve been trying to figure out how to make two characters that are spotted by the spot director, enter a scene at the same time. Is that possible? I know that multiple characters can enter in a scene using the regular coding, but what about when using the spot director. Does anybody know?

Thank you~

You need to place them offscreen first and then:
@CHARACTER walks to spot % x y in s AND CHARACTER walks to spot % x y in s


&CHARACTER walks to spot % x y in s
@CHARACTER walks to spot % x y in s

And if they are walking from zone to zone then you need to add in zone # here:
@/&CHARACTER walks to spot % x y in zone # in s

&CHARACTER1 walks to spot X Y
@CHARACTER2 walks to spot X Y


&CHARACTER1 enters from X to Y
@ChARACTER2 enters from X to Y

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Damn you are fast, lol.

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Thanks so much you guys! Haha

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No problem :smile:

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For some reason it didn’t come out right. The first character popped up on the screen when the second character actually entered the scene.

Can you post a screenshot of your script?

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to screenshot it using my computer so I have to type it out. Here’s what it looks like:

@HAYLEE spot 1.158 400 67 in zone 2 at layer 1 AND HAYLEE faces left
&HAYLEE walks to spot 1.158 179 67 in 3
@HAYLEE spot 1.158 179 67 in zone 2 at layer 1 AND HAYLEE faces left
&HAYLEE is arms_crossed
@JORMANI spot 1.158 400 62 in zone 2 at layer 1 AND JORMANI faces left
@JORMANI walks to spot 1.158 258 62 in 3 AND JORMANI does it while walk_exhausted
@JORMANI spot 1.158 258 62 in zone 2 at layer 1 AND JORMANI faces left

Can you see what I did wrong?

@HAYLEE spot 1.158 400 67 in zone 2 at layer 1 AND HAYLEE faces left
@JORMANI spot 1.158 400 62 in zone 2 at layer 1 AND JORMANI faces left

<------ You need to spot them offscreen like you did here. And then you need to make them enter

&HAYLEE walks to spot 1.158 179 67 in 3
@JORMANI walks to spot 1.158 258 62 in 3 AND JORMANI does it while walk_exhausted

&HAYLEE is arms_crossed

You don’t need to place them one more time after they entered, because they are already in this spot :slight_smile: Hope this helps :wink:

Ohhh I see :slight_smile: Thanks so much. You really helped me.

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No problem :blush: I’m glad that I could help :smile:

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