HOW TO: Place Characters Behind A Desk 🪑 🎓

#The example code:

INT. HOLLYWOOD NEWS ROOM NO OL - DAY with FLOWERGRIEFER NEWS ROOM DESK to 1.000 0 0 in zone 1 at layer 2

#You actually don’t need the values 1.000 0 0 or even the zone number there as it’s the default but I put it there so you see everything.

&zoom reset

&speechbubble reset

&BRANDI spot 0.715 167 317 in zone 1 at layer 1 and BRANDI faces left and BRANDI is idle_sit_neutral_loop

&speechbubble is 143 299 to 56% with tail_top_right

BRANDI (talk_sit_coy)
Welcome to the Vampire Show.

&zoom on 175 345 to 313% in 0

&speechbubble is 148 257 to 100% with tail_top_right

BRANDI (talk_sit_doubtful)
I hope you all enjoy it. If not, we’ll eat you.

&BRANDI is idle_sit_neutral_loop

@pause for 0.7

#Visually translates into:

#Do not forget to reset zoom and speechbubble else it’ll carry over :scream: I recommend to go over guides on zooms, speechbubbles, overlays and spot directing as well as layers (if you need any links, do let me know although you can do a quick search for them and there are some in the very first post above) :blob_sun:

The overlay:


Thank you to @FlowerGriefer for cutting out the overlay :nerd_face: :disco: :avocado_love: :blob_hearts: Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, do feel free to ask :yay:

P.S You can also use the background INT. HOLLYWOOD NEWS ROOM - DAY which comes with its very own desk overlay. Although from what I’ve personally observed on the app when moving the built in overlay around, it looks a bit different than the one that is part of the INT. HOLLYWOOD NEWS ROOM NO OL - DAY (no built in overlay background). More info here on built in overlays: :blob_hearts: HOW TO: Use A Built-In Overlay :blob_hearts: :rose: :blob_sun: