How to place characters in back rows of "INT.MOVIESEATS"

Hello Guys,
I’ve been attempting to write and finish my story since 2017, and I’ve just got around to finally taking it seriously. I’ve run into some trouble when it comes to placing characters in the back rows of the “INT.MOVIESEATS-NIGHT” background. I visited a thread that was a bit of a dead-end as it provided no real advice to be taken away from.

So far, I understand that an overlay must be created and uploaded as the background itself doesn’t allow for layering or characters to be spot-directed in specific placements. However, I’m still unsure on how to upload an overlay because when I uploaded an overlay (provided from the forum) of movie seats, it’s not recognized as an overlay but as a background.

Are you uploading it to the overlay section and not the background section?

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Noo, I wasn’t even aware there was a such thing :sob::weary: Thank you soo much.

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It’s okay, everything is a learning process and I’m happy to help💕