How to put labels inside of choices? Or alternative methods

I’m trying to make a book type interactive thing where the player can look through a book to find answers. I have the pages made and the code is pretty well nested in one another.

click one page takes you to the next, click the next page takes you to the next. The only problem is I can figure out how to go backward. I tried putting a label inside of the choice so it would just take you back to the page before but the portal says you can’t put labels inside of choices. Does anyone have an alternative method to fixing this issue, please let me know.

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I’m not sure how to do this quite yet, but I would suggest looking at a tappable dressing game script Template. Like the ones with the arrows, because they tend to follow the same getup

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Oh, I didn’t think of that! thnks for the suggestion :heart:


No problem! I hope it all works out!


Have you tried making a label for each page such as label page1.
So it would look something like this:

label page2
Blah blah (whatever happens or shows here)

“Turn page” {
goto page3
} “go back” {
goto page1

label page3
Blah blah

“Turn the page” {
goto page4
} “go back” {
goto page2

And then whenever they’re on the last page; (example of the book having a total of 8 pages)

label page8
“Close book” {
goto bookfinished
} “go back” {
goto page7

label bookfinished
However the scene/episode continues when they’re done with the book.

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And likewise with the tappables

label page2

“Nameofoverlaytoturnpage” {
goto page3
} “nameofoverlaytogoback” {
goto page1

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Thanks for all the help guys, all your suggestions really helped me solve the issue! I used labels coupled with tappables and now it’s working great! :+1:

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