DARA’S GUIDE: Remember Choices with if/elif/else

Thanks for the help and replying so quickly, but now I have a error. I tried following the picture exactly. Sorry I don’t mean to be annoying, I’m not used to scripting. Here’s the error:

Every starting bracket needs a matching ending bracket. Look at the example and look closely at all the brackets and where they should be placed.

You need a closing bracket on line 1231 to close off the “one piece” option and then another closing bracket on line 1219 to close off the “pink bikini” option. Then one more closing bracket at the very end that should close off the last option.


Thank you so much, you’re a lifesaver! I’ll been trying to figure out how to remember outfit choices for the last three days!


Thank you Dara for all these explaination, it helped me a lot ! But I have a new problem :confused:
Could somobody help me with past choice, please ?
Basically, I did everything but with one of my friend we wonder what’s not working correctly.

Here is what I have :

In my chapter 4, there is this choice:

choice (dream_mystery)
“No, I respect her too much to do that !” {


I can’t risk to lose her trust.
gain trust

“Yes, it’s an important information and she’s hiding it on purpose…”{


I have to know everything if I want to protect her, right ?
gain information


In my chapter 6, I want to have two different situations at two different moments according to that previous choice:

if (trust) {

&GREG walks to spot 1.128 398 21 in zone 1 AND GREG faces right
@speechbubble reset
@transition fade out black in 1

} else {

JADE (talk_exhausted)

No… I don’t want to bother him with my worry…
@JADE exits right

@transition fade out black in 1


Then there is something like 500 lines, and then, here is the second consequence:

if (information) {

&GREG is disappointed
(Am I sure she isn’t a psychic ?)


@speechbubble reset

@transition fade out black in 1

} else {

&GREG is disappointed
@speechbubble reset

@transition fade out black in 1

The story plays correctly on my phone when I change the Flags. But for readers, none of both consequences are working…
If somebody could help me, it would means a lot <3 Thank you.


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It doesn’t allow me to place labels in if/else statements. I coded a scene on where you ask questions and get answers using choices if that makes sense. And I need the if/else because the scene is only available for those that chose to have a female love interest. Please help :frowning:

Hi everyone,

I’ve read the guides everyone has posted, but I just don’t get it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m trying to change outfits and have the outfit remembered in the next scene but I am lost and I feel like my head is going to explode.

Can anyone explain to me how this if/elif/else thing works for a dummy please please please?

Thanks in advance!!

Can someone help me with remembering choices, I have tried to do it several times but I always have the same issues… no matter what option I choose when proofing, it always does the else choice… so far this is what my script looks like:

Remove the quotes around sleep

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Omg… I tried it and it worked… I feel like an idiot! Thank you!!!:heart_eyes::grin:

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I’m having a bit of a problem with my gain choices.
I’ve marked the gain flags with my choices and already had one scenario where I’ve used them. i want to use another

"Be sympathetic"{
gain chose_sympathy
readerMessage Your relationship will be affected

 #scenario continues here

"Be indifferent"{
gain chose_indifference
readerMessage Your relationship will be affected

 #scenario continues here


I’m on the way up! Gimme a minute!

if (chose_sympathy){
Come on, let’s head up.
#scenario continues

}elif (chose_indifference){
I should get going.
#scenario continues


In the next scenario, I want the consequence of the choice to continue, in a different area. If the reader chose to be sympathetic, the MC (LILIAN) and ‘NICO’ go outside together, and continue the story to a point that is common for both scenarios. If the reader chooses to be indifferent, LILIAN leaves by herself, and wishes to apologize to NICO and later the story converges to the common point.

I've written this coding for the second scenario where the gain consequences are used:
@cut to zone 3

if (chose_sympathy){
#the two go up together and to the common point previously mentioned. 

} else {
#LILIAN finds her friend and she goes to find NICO. 

@cut to zone 3
if (chose_sympathy){
@LILIAN stands screen right AND LILIAN faces left
 #scenario continues and then meets at the common point

} else {
@LILIAN stands screen right AND LILIAN faces left
    (There he is...I hope he's not too mad.)

#LILIAN apologizes to NICO here and they meet at common point after branching with choices.


The problem is that when I preview the coding, even after choosing to ‘Be Indifferent’, the preview completely ignores the scenario coded for ‘chose_indifference’ and continues with the ‘chose_sympathy’ scenario.

Was there anything wrong with the coding? Is this a glitch? Is there some way to fix it? Please help!!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that when I save, NO ERROR shows up. It’s extremely infuriating. And yes, I haven’t add any animations yet, so I don’t have to worry about that yet. And I previewed it on my phone as well, BUT THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN. The flow and choices are all smooth and connecting, unlike the preview on the desktop writer portal.

If anything wasn’t understandable, please ask!
I really want to get this fixed before I can continue with the rest of this chapter. :sob:

Thanks :sparkling_heart:

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I am so confused! i followed every step and i still have an error on the last one! Here’s what i mean…
so i did-

“Yes tell them”{

Bla bla blah

gain Yes_tell_them


“No don’t tell them”{

Blahhh blahh

gain No_don’t_tell_them


And then when i’m wanting to remember the players choice i did-

if (Yes_tell_them){

Remember you told me you like chocolate.

else {

Blaah blahh


It always comes up as an error for the “else” one. I only have two choices to remember so i only used “if and else” i’m so confused and i was wondering if you could point out what i’m doing wrong?

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You do not need to write the gain name, it just needs to be } else { and that’s it.

You cannot have an apostrophe in a gain name. Remove it from “don’t”

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Ohhh that explain’s everything thank you so much it works :slight_smile:

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I’m sorry I’m still confused on how to do it. I’m trying to flashback to a memory in my story and I want my character to be wearing the outfit the readers choose. This is the referenced scene of the outfit options. You said use gains yes/no method but I don’t exactly follow.

** (Which one should I wear tonight?)**

"Rich in taste"{

@REYSME walks to spot 1.280 160 -21 in zone 2 in 3

@REYSME changes into Hot Glam

"Pretty in Pink"{

@REYSME walks to spot 1.280 160 -21 in zone 2 in 3

@REYSME changes into REYSME_pretty in pink

"On the edge"{

@REYSME walks to spot 1.280 160 -21 in zone 2 in 3

@REYSME changes into REYSME_on the edge


@REYSME walks to spot 1.280 270 -21 in zone 1 in 3

@pause for a beat

** REYSME (idle_happy_pose)**
** (Shall I wear this or try something else?)**

"Wear this outfit."{

** REYSME (react_gasp_dismayed)**
** (This is revealing!)**
** REYSME (idle_awkward_uneasy_loop)**
** (I wonder how much these outfits were they look expensive.)**

"Try something else."{

goto dressing_game_2


So how would I do this?

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Can you name the choice and then you can do something like this

** (Which one should I wear tonight?)**

choice (DRESS)
“Rich in taste”{

@REYSME walks to spot 1.280 160 -21 in zone 2 in 3

@REYSME changes into Hot Glam

“Pretty in Pink”{

@REYSME walks to spot 1.280 160 -21 in zone 2 in 3

@REYSME changes into REYSME_pretty in pink

“On the edge”{

@REYSME walks to spot 1.280 160 -21 in zone 2 in 3

@REYSME changes into REYSME_on the edge


@REYSME walks to spot 1.280 270 -21 in zone 1 in 3

@pause for a beat

** REYSME (idle_happy_pose)**
** (Shall I wear this or try something else?)**

“Wear this outfit.”{

** REYSME (react_gasp_dismayed)**
** (This is revealing!)**
** REYSME (idle_awkward_uneasy_loop)**
** (I wonder how much these outfits were they look expensive.)**

“Try something else.”{

goto dressing_game_2


if (DRESS is "Rich in taste){

}elif (DRESS is “Pretty in pink”){



Tell me if there’s any error though

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I did something wrong it’s telling me error.
here’s a pic:

So, beside choice, write DRESSGAMETWO since that is what you used to remember the outfit choices that the reader picks later on.

And so forth…later in your script, if you want the outfit choice that the reader picked remembered, you’d write something like this:

if (DRESSGAMETWO is “Rich in taste”) {
[scene for Rich in taste choice here]

} elif (DRESSGAMETWO is “Pretty in Pink”) {
[scene for Pretty in Pink choice here]

} else {
[scene for On the edge choice here]

Try this code :thinking:

else needs to be by itself. And choice names cannot have spaces. Change those spaces to underscores


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Ok I followed JemU776 code and went back and changed the choice name to DRESS_GAME_TWO like Dara.Amarie said. But, I have a third dress option and I don’t understand when you say else needs to be by itself? Do I not include my third outfit choice which is called, “On the edge”?

here’s a picture of what I currently have on my script:

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if (DRESS_GAME_TWO is “Rich in taste”) {
[scene for Rich in taste choice here]

} elif (DRESS_GAME_TWO is “Pretty in Pink”) {
[scene for Pretty in Pink choice here]

} else {
[scene for On the edge choice here]

Hi, you have to include a scene taking place during these IF/ELIF/ELSE choices.


if (DRESS_GAME_TWO is “Rich in taste”) {
I look good in this hot glam outfit.

} elif (DRESS_GAME_TWO is “Pretty in Pink”) {
I look pretty in this pink outfit.

} else {
I look cool and edgy with this outfit.

And no, it would NOT be else (DRESS_GAME_TWO is “On the edge”), it would just be else. If the reader picks on the edge, the else choice will play for them.

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