How to run, then stop running in a Background

Hello! I have a question: How do I make a character run in a background and then stop at a certain position?

My character Leora is running in a beach background, I want her to stop near the water in the back. How would I write that in my script?

Thanks so much for all the help and tips!

You would zoom then spot direct.

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Thanks for replying, can you show me how I would write that in my script? If you don’t mind?

@CHAR walks to spot in zone # in T AND CHAR is running animation THEN CHAR is idle_loop

You can do something like that.


It’s a little hard because I don’t the exact coding. But you would zoom near the spot u want the character to stop. then you would let the character enter spot her in the now zoomed spot and it would look something like this.

@CHARACTER is run_something THEN CHARACTER is exhausted


Thanks for replying, this is super helpful! I will get back to you when I add it in

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Thanks for replying, this is super helpful! I will get back to you when I add it in.

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I’m sure the zoom worked, but my character didn’t show up where I wanted her to and she didn’t do the animation because she did not show up on the screen.

Did try to see if ur character was on the screen because maybe since u zoomed the characters to big to be seen. So press the spot director and check.

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I’m not sure what I did wrong, but my character are not showing up am I doing something wrong? How can I fix it?

Alright I will, thanks!

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Can you send me your script?


I’m not able to show a picture of my script, sorry. I have a warning about the spot being invalid, how do I fix it, and what would it look like in my script?

Can you copy and paste your script? :slight_smile:

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My phone isn’t working, I’m sorry. The line that I’m talking about has a warning about the spot, maybe you could explain how to write a spot in m script then I can see how to fix it?

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It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize. :slight_smile:
This might help you out:

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If you still need help after reading this, let me know! :slight_smile:

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