HOW TO: Spotlight Format

Don’t worry, I’ll keep you informed :wink:

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It doesn’t work for me in LL :frowning_face:

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Do you mean that set format phonetext isn’t working for you?

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Yup :sob:

Sadly, I’m having the problem too, and so are others. I sent in a few tickets but the responses haven’t exactly been the best…however, all we can do is wait until they actually announce it or something like that.

Maybe you can send in a ticket, too?


As I have heard, it doesn’t work anymore and we should stick to overlays
I feel pitiful for episode :pensive:

Wait, so are we able to use the text format in the normal format with spot directing? I don’t know the actual name of it.


No no, like… Switching to the phone texting format for a scene and then switching back to full body format. Are we able to do that together?

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I would think. I don’t know though.

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Bump : )

bump. :+1:t5::black_heart:

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can you change the color?

Not that I know of :thinking:

It looks like it’s working again :thinking:

I tested it out today and it gave me this:


I wouldn’t risk it to use it as they can delete it again :weary: hope we will get an update soon!


Yeah, it’s better to be patient and wait for this amazing update to be officially released then start using it right away and find out later on, it’s not valid anymore, which would totally suck :unamused:


Bump :wink:

Bump ^^