How to use "@follow" command to follow character in spot?

I would like to make the camera follow a character, but the “zoom” is activated, how can I use the “@follow” command to follow the character that is in Spot and still zoomed in?

Note: I’m Brazilian using the translator.

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That command doesnt exist.

If your character is going from one zone to another do it as

&DESC1 walks to spot x y z in zone 2 in 4
@pan to zone 2 in 4 AND zoom to x y z in 4


Follow command only works for: @CHARACTER1 walks to screen left, right, etc.
It doesn’t work with spot directing.

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@pan to zone 2 in 4 AND zoom on x y z in 4 AND CHARACTER walks to spot x y z in 4

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Thank you very much, it worked! It was really worth it.

&DESC1 walks to spot 0.400 160 289 in zone 2 in 4
@pan to zone 2 in 4 AND zoom on 473 198 to 357% in 4 :ballot_box_with_check:


glad to hear it! feel free to mark it as solved if it’s all working! :slight_smile:

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okay, I’ll do that. Thanks again to all

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I can’t mark it as solved!

Oiie, pra marcar como resolvido é só clicar no “botão” da resposta que tem um :ballot_box_with_check: e ta escrito “solution”

It doesn’t appear for me.

Deve ser pq vc acabou de criar sua conta é relativamente nova, mas deve aparecer depois de um tempo.
Se precisar de ajuda, pode me chamar. Já faz anos que escrevo e sou brasileira também, fica mais fácil de entender :blush:

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Oi Isabela fico muito feliz por você poder me ajudar, acho que vou lhe perturbar um pouquinho pois conheço pouco os códigos. :grinning: Tem como enviar mensagem no privado?

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simm, pode me chamar