How were you asked out to prom?

There was no one :man_shrugging:

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I never went. I never saw the point of it really.

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In my country, nobody is asked to go. We simply make a party that lasts all night or we all go to a hotel for several days


Ninguno :man_shrugging:

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I didn’t have a boyfriend at the time and I wasn’t “talking” to any guys so I didn’t get asked to prom. I did the asking lol I ended up asking some guy who went to a different school but had already graduated. It wasn’t all out or anything, it was a simple text “Hey you want to go to my prom?” and he was like “Yea, I’m down to dress up all fancy and shit!”


That’s even cooler :laughing:

Yes, we save ourselves from the discomfort of asking someone

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Haha he sounded happy? :joy:

Even better😊

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He can up to my desk and asked me.

And I looked him directly in the eye and said no.

Everytime I talk to people in real life, I immediately cry afterwards because I’m socially inept so I really wasn’t trying to be rude here, but I’m pretty sure I looked like a bitch. :joy:

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Wow that takes a lot to do that. He’s over it by now right :sweat_smile:

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I try to be as straightforward with people as I can because if I’m not they’ll keep going and start asking me things I don’t know how to answer, which is really the thing that gives me attacks.

And yeah, he got over it quick. He proceeded to date a 12 year old right after. :grin: When he got caught, he blamed it on his autism. He’s very high functioning, just really awkward so… yeah.

I’m glad I missed the one time I (the loser) was pity asked to prom.


Oh shit I actually have a good story for this.

So I’d been meaning to ask someone out for this year’s prom. She’s in my grade, so I knew it would be easy. But I’m a sucker for detail, so I wanted to do something special. I’d heard from other classes that for our chemistry quiz, the teacher would tell us to pair up with someone after the quiz ended, switch the quizzes and grade our partner’s paper. So as soon as the quiz ended, I asked her to be my partner and I corrected her exam. Before we had to give it back, I wrote “wanna go to prom with me?” next to her percentage score. She didn’t answer via paper (she actually erased the answer bc she knew we would get in trouble) but she told me she’d love to go with me during lunch.

I’m a pretty happy camper atm.


Yeah I don’t blame you, glad you got that over with

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Oh my! That is so adorable I love that proposal :blush:

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Never got a date to prom or any dance :joy:

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I was never asked to prom, my hair was digusting, my dress was atrocious, my makeup was a disgrace, the only thing that I really liked were my shoes and I couldn’t even walk in them properly.
My school was an all girls school so we decided to have prom with the boys school that wasn’t too far from us. Maybe it’s because we didn’t really know much people there is the reason why nearly everyone didn’t get asked to prom. I doubt if I would’ve been asked if I did know people well though lol

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In my country we don’t go with a date, we are supposed to be together with our class and each class has to prepare with some cringeworthy dance that they perform in front of everyone. However there’s a waltz that is completely optional, and for that you can get asked out. I was one of those “lucky” girls because a popular bad boy LOL asked me out, but he got less enthusiastic when the first rehearsals started at 7.30 in the morning. He skipped most of them but in his defense, he texted me every time. Explanation: he had got drunk the day before so he was unable to get up. Like every single time :rofl: And then we got kicked out of the group :smiley: Good old days


I was homeschooled. :smile::smile: but I probs would not have gone to prom. I went to homecoming once…boring af because I was just wanting to play video games the whole time hahah