How's online school going for you?

It sucks for me I can’t stay focused

My fault completely :pensive::unamused::joy:

How about you guys?

Feel free to rant


Well, i feel like its been easier with there being less schoolwork. But, sometimes i lack the motivation to do any of the work. And i have been procrastinating quite a bit.


Really boring!!! We only do half of the lessons we did because the other teachers don’t even know how to use these apps! We aren’t allowed to use cameras and the teachers always mute us and nobody actually pays attention.I miss my friend so much :pleading_face::pleading_face:


I lack alot of motivation as well
It’s not going so well!

But remember it will be ok :blush: I hope everything goes well for you

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I relate :unamused: my teacher is giving work on
He mostly does email which is very confusing

But I’m sorry you can see friends
Maybe you should give them a call? :blush:

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Feels like I am skipping school at home because I seriously have no motivation to do any of it. :skull:


OMG you’re right! :smiley::smiley:

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Full respect to those who do Online School. Y’all are Gods… :pensive::pensive:

I have two weeks left after this one, but school left Final Exams for us as optional for teachers to choose from and I have only one for Biology. Yay!

But this week I feel so weak and lazy I literally do the assignments due day of but no complaints!


Ahh I forgot to say that schools will start in 2 weeks here and we’ll be going in 2 groups :frowning_face: :tired_face:

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:woman_facepalming:t3: same and it gets so frustrating…
Because you know you should do the work but then you’re like
Oh right

I hate this course…

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Good luck! <3


I wish you luck

Thank you! :blob_hearts:


And you :blush:

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Ive pretty much stopped entirely and distract myself with episode writing, lol. I feel bad cuz I know I need to do better but this quarantine is suffocating me. Helping people on the forums has been making me feel really good though! :grin:

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In hindsight, “suffocating” probably wasn’t the best word choice. :sweat_smile:

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Terrible. I’m being overworked and forced to do stuff that won’t help me when I become an adult and want to get a job.


I’m glad to hear you’re doing better and I hope you get your work done :grin::blush:
Best of luck

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Lol, took the words right out of my mouth. :laughing:


Thank you, you too! :innocent:

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