I am not able to login into my account in my new phone

just got my phone. now when i am trying to login, it isnt happening. it shows error or gets stuck. please do something.

Hey, for more help regarding your issue, please include what the error says (word for word). That way, others can let you know if they’ve had the same problem, or solutions for your own!

actually thats the problem, it doesnt show anything, just the loading profile page, it gets stuck there… and once it showed error while logging in.

Hmm… are you still logged in on your other device?

no, i was in my old phone but i formatted it. so… right now no.

i got logged in just now, restored it…

@Sydney_H please close this thread. Thank you…

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Awesome! Glad your issue has been solved! If you ever need help with anything, feel free to PM me!

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Topic closed by OP request. :wink: