I can make edited splashes and edits ๐Ÿ˜Š

No problem take your time well you know me

I was wondering if you could do a large cover with these details. :revolving_hearts:
Title- โ€˜Mi Reina: Survivalโ€™
Author- IL
Character Details: Female athletic body, rose 04 skin tone, dark brown arched natural brows, dirty blond sleek pony tail hair, brown pale female generic eyes, diamond face, defined natural nose, beige deep neutral full heart pouty lips.
Outfit: Rising star earrings metalsilver, Queen crown gold diamond yellow goldenrod, laceup angel sandals soft gold, gown collar cowl satin pink pale.
Hereโ€™s a picture of the character!

Let me know, and thank you :revolving_hearts:

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I can deffo do this 4 you :heart:

If you donโ€™t like it or want something changing please let me know! :blob_hearts:


Can you make me this type also

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I need the deets of what you would like please :blob_hearts:

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I will send you on instagram later

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