I have a problem with remember choices in next episode :(

Hi!! I am new at writing episodes, and english is not my national language so sorry for any mistakes. :smiley:

Sooo…how my story will remember choices from previously chapter? I gave a dressing game to choose outfit, i know how to do it in the same chapter, but what i have to do to remember this choice in next episode?

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You have to give the choice a ‘name’
Like this:
Choice (Name_Choice)

The remember that, you have to write:
If (Name_Choice is “Option1” ) {
@Character changes into Outfit 1} elif (Name_Choice is “Option2”) {…

This system works at the mobile previewer (readers view), in the writer portal it won’t remember this, because you are leaving the script and open the one for the next episode, so there’s no chance for the script to remember it.

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Dara Amarie has a great guide on that: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5048983934402560

I hope it will help you :blue_heart:

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So if i want to remember choice in next episode i have to do this on mobile previewer? :face_with_monocle:

No, you’re writing it in the script at the writers portal, but it will only remember the outfit in the mobile previewer

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aaa, okay, okay. Thank U :smiley:

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