I have a quick question. Is there a way for a camera to follow the character to a certain zone using the commands (spot number#)

Is there a way for a camera to follow the character to a certain zone using the commands (spot number#)
I know you can make your character move to a certain scene using the commands back far right and screen center and etc.
Ex. @follow CHARACTER to back far right in zone 2

But I’m asking if we can do this:
Ex. @follow CHARACTER to spot number# in zone 2

It says error but I’m just wondering if there is another way.

You have to pan to the zone at the same time the character walks

&pan to zone 3 in 2
@CHARACTER walks to spot 0.915 160 0 in zone 3 in 2

Oh ok thank you!!

Marked as solved by Op @0_Sara_Rose_0 and solved by @Dara.Amarie :yay: