I’ll review your story (Closed)

Hallo. Sorry for being so slow on reviews. It’s 6am where I live and I have to go to school. I’ll try to get most reviewed by the end of the day.


Okay, thank you so much for doing this!
Take all the time you need and please be as honest as you can :sparkling_heart:

Name: Providence
Author: A.D. Summers
Genre: Fantasy Adventure
Number of episodes: 1 (ignore the second I was messing around with something lol)
Description: “Why does God even deal with us?” I never thought I’d know his answer, until I returned to that mysterious town. After all, Providence is a greater mystery than Revelation. Limited CC (??? still debating)


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If anyone wants a story rewiewe then check out my thread

This thread is for people who want reviews only. Please don’t promote yourself. Viel beschäftigt

Title: Crossed Paths

Author name: Dreamer

Description: Mindy’s life’s filled with joy and laughter but is haunted by heartbreak. All that changes when she meets Derek. Will he be able to mend her broken heart? CHOICES MATTER!

Follow Mindy through a journey of ups and downs, surrounded by bonkers friends and family and self-discovery!

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5294643993772032 4

Episodes: SIX (and counting)

Small Cover:


I would love it if you take a look at my story

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Also, hallo und guten tag!

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Danke! You speak German too?

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Ah barely - my dad lived in Germany for a few years before I was born and he taught me a handful of German.

That’s dope. There’s barely anyone where I live that speaks fluent or partial German.

Hi I would like a review:)
Story:Trouble in Princess Paradise

If you could PM me the review:)

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Title: Trouble.
Author: Stev1997
Description: You were kidnapped years ago of your fathers old enemy, your childhood love finds you by accident. What will happen next?

Hey, I made that cover! :joy: :sparkling_heart:

Thank you for doing this thread!

Story Title: In a Starry Night
Author Name: Fatima Al star
Style: Limelight
Genre: Romance/drama
Episodes: 3 (more coming soon!)
Story Description: Rose goes thorough a lot of difficulties that will lead her to find secrets that were hidden for years! Will she ever find happiness and love? (Choices matter)
Instagram Name: @fatima_stories
Story Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5756418218131456

Story cover


Here is a link for my intro :point_down:t3:

I just finished reading your story. I have some positive and negative responses.
Covers: I don’t like the main cover that much. It’s not really that interesting and I just feel as the cover doesn’t grab my attention. And the font is somewhat hard to read. But, I really liked your big cover. The font is really nice and set nicely. And I really enjoy your background picture.
Title: I really like the title. It’s super cool and I love how it is contradicting. It’s just really nice.
Description: The explanation of this story is amazing. Asking questions is always a good writing technique as it rises the reader suspicion.
Plot: The plot doesn’t really pull me into the story. It’s a bit overdone and it is something I seen many times. Maybe, think of adding something more exciting and unique and many plot twist that are unpredictable.
Editing: I think the editing is okay. I saw you add directing that it usually takes people who has been writing stories for years to master/understand. However, there is a bit editing mistakes. Like in chapter one, the fading transition will happen in a middle of the scene, pause for a beat, than skip to the next scene.
The correct way to add transitions is
@transition fade in (color) (duration)
@transition fade out (color) (duration)
Also on the club scene, The random boys keep overlapping Xylany. It’s hard to know character’s emotions when you can’t see the expressions.
Chapter: Chapter 1 was okay. I really liked the flashback, but (liked I already mentioned) there was many errors. The chapters so far are pretty short, and some may see this as losing passes.
I also think you should consider custom character. It helps the reader connect to the character more because it represents who they are. To do so, look at the right side of your screen the next time your typing. There should be a section called “Character temples” and it automatically inserts custom character. It’s super helpful.
I really liked the idea of chapter two. Showing how she goes in disguise really rises question. It makes me want to know what more has happened. But once again the chapter was very short.
Chapter three was good. But I do think you should introduce Sebastian more dramatically then just him walking on screen.
Overall: I can really see the potential in your story to gain reads, but there’s many things you should work on beforehand.
I rate your story 4.5/10 it’s definitively no where near the worst, but it’s also is far from the best.


Thank you , I appreciate your feedback.
I wouldn’t be able improve if I only received sugar coated reviews, so thx
I was only trying to publish, but after publishing I saw that it has potential to be a good story.
I’m trying to fix my errors, and the cover will be changed when I publish chapter 4 (which I plan to make 1000 and more lines).

Okay. That sound great! And don’t let me lower your confidence. I just want to see people improve

No, your empowering my confidence, and helping me improve greatly

Can you please read and review my story?
Name: Opposite in Harmony
Author: Pheebsnomenal
Genre: fantasy/adventure/romance
After 1412 years, Aimie finally decides to visit Earth and that is when her life turns up side down. She finds out that sometimes you can’t judge a book by it’s cover. Will she ever find her way back to her family even if that means living a lie? Or will she choose to abandon everything she ever knew and live an honest life?


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Hey you can check out my story if you want :blush:

Tittle : Search for love
Author : Sigma.fr
Genre : Drama
Episodes : 5 (more coming soon)
Description: Your life turns upside down when you try to escape from a toxic situation! Can you find the love you are looking for trying to escape?
Link : http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5548786201264128


I hope you will enjoy it!!! :cupid:


Mein friend (sorry don’t know how to say friend in German haha) but was wondering if you could PM me the thoughts, thanks.

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