I lost a pass to my own story

Ok so please tell me if I’m writing this in the correct category. So I’m writing my story and I want to preview it on my phone. When an overlay didn’t show up for me I accidentally tapped and it took me to the 2nd episode. So I exit out and then go back into my story and it’s showing the background that it shows for other stories. This happened to me before and I usually just close the app and open back the story, so I did that and it showed again. I tapped on it because I thought it’d let me preview my story so I can go back tp Ep.1, turns out it took me to an ad and I lost a pass. Idk if it happened to anybody other then me, but I basically lost a pass to my own story. :rofl::woman_facepalming:t4:


I’ve done that a couple of times too :laughing:


XD. Write the topic or had the problem?:rofl:

Had the problem. I actually thought it was funny :sweat_smile:

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Like sorry but no I’m not wasting my pass on my own story :joy:


:rofl::rofl: But at least we know that the pass was wasted on something good.

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True true :joy:

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Yeah it happened for me too, once…

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Same, this happens to me also :rofl:

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