I’m making a comedy about everyone’s favourite Lady Stella of ThirstMC City

As the really fcking long topic title. I’m making a comedy around everyone’s beloved stock character Stella. I realised that I can’t write this on my own, if you have some input for the story or would even love to help write the story with me then just post below! :clown_face::tipping_hand_woman::two_hearts:
Everyone, even a joke gets full credit

Stella bae💕:


still bothered by the fact that she always plays a character that looks older than said character’s mother


Being THAT iconic takes a lot outta ya

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There was some toying with this idea on the stock characters thread:

You should do something really meta where Stella realizes she lives in an app and starts taking over stories. I mean, she’s been in like three featured stories already this month.

Maybe see if @anon48422657 is still thinking about a story where Stella (and the stock characters generally) is a character.


I will, how’d I get her attention?:tipping_hand_woman:

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Of all the available stock characters she is a weird choice to play a teenager.

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I thought her mom was draining her soul for eternal youth


She looks ten and fifty eight at the same time


Well, I tagged her here so she might see that. You can also DM her with a link to her comment on the thread I shared above so she knows what you’re referencing.

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I hope we can get this Stella train to Publish station :clown_face:

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Her mom is probably Grace.

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My gurl Grace been left in the dark🦹‍♀️

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It’s a classic Snow White story of family jealousy except with sentient assets on a cell-phone app


Stella is sister- and in oop.
I mean spiteful of Grace because she’s young and sht

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All joking aside I think her dad in Unexpectedly Expecting was literally Harold.

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I feel like she’s just a bratty dumbass in real
Life, I want to capture Stella and the stock gang as a whole

I can see that

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I’ve started to think of her as an eccentric genius to have infiltrated so many stories.

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Story title: The troubled mind of an episode genius: The Queen of default

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