I need a intro and fast

Can someone share an intro idea, with me here is my story description.

You’re officially homeless. Now you’re running around on the streets with nothing to offer what happens when you’re examine what a deadly disease and a mystery man comes out of nowhere.

MC could walk around and gather supplies to survive(make it more engaging by making it interactive)
MC looking at her enviornment and sees a used blanket a book(for entertainment) and a pair of spare clothes and a med kit(idk y thts out in the open but go wth it) but can only take 2 things wthout being noticed
And while getting the med kit(if u choose tht) u learn about the disease going around town

After u get supplies MC could find a place to rest at night and hear a commotion of infected ppl being examined by medical forces u could have an option to hide or run (if u wanna add an LI u can have him in the backround of the scene a bystander till ur ready to introduce him or her)

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THANK you very much

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Welcome hope i helped a lil

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It really does help

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Good luck let me know how it turns out.

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