I need a theme/bg for my group

I freaking don’t have a idea what my theme should be for a group I’m making. I just want it red and black and I need to have a way to credit you. My attempt at it was pretty bad and the group will be mostly on Insta.

Maybe vampires or ladybugs idk

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Idek :joy: My friends wanted to be called UT and I’m not gonna explain what that is.

I failed at the theme

That’s so pretty

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Oh wow. Thank you. I thought it was too bland. :joy:

Maybe add a choker and a scrunchie in red or black.

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Thanks. I’ll figure somethin out


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When I hear red and black I think of

Hearts and spades
Skulls and roses

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I’m struggling and ty

Oof idk if I should add another sleeve

My opinion, is leave it at one sleeve, use darker lining around the eyes to bolden them slightly more and make them stand out and don’t forget eyelashes for the finished effect.
Also I would add some highlights or lowlights to the hair maybe fiery red ends? Or darker browns and reds running through it.

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Hair and eyes aren’t my friend but I’ll try :joy:

Well if you need a hand with it let me know

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I definitely do :joy: :pensive: The hair and eyes are just-

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Okay well I’m just off to sleep it’s after 2am here, so PM me the image and what you need or want editing and I’ll try to get it on it some time tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ok tysm bc I’m struggling :joy:

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No problem sugar :slightly_smiling_face:

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