I need help asap help help help help help help help help limelight directing help

Well I need help asking a question but I don’t even know how to do that .

So I’m having to just reply to this instead. HELP HOW DID U ASK THIS QUESTION D:

I need help asap.
I have this error and i need help with it.

It says:
unexpected garbage: The text on this line does not follow our formatting

how can i fix this?

Screenshot your script.

Eoisode say i can’t upload a photo.

@ELLA starts idle_sit_armcrossed_unimpressed_loop


:x: “Sneak out and get to know Alexsander better.”[

 (Sneak out and get to know Alexsander better.)

here is the script.


“Sneak out and get to know Alexsander better.”{
(Sneak out and get to know Alexsander better.)

Use curly brackets

thx but here is another error i got and i dont understamd it.

:x: “Stay at home, just call him.”{

(Stay at home, I'll just call him.)

goto ellas_bedroom

the error is:expected charecter or scene change

I will pm you so we don’t go off topic. :slight_smile:

You won’t be able to ask a question because you have only joined and they have certain trust levels so once you get trust level 1 you will be able to

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