I need help deciding something!

I’m starting a new story and I’m not sure what style I want to do it in. Ink or limelight. Ink is my preferred style, but I want all the clothing options that limelight provides. So I would very much appreciate if you gave me your opinion!!

Which style should I use?
  • Ink
  • Limelight

0 voters

But you should use your Preferred style, I just said Limelight because I read only Limelight.


I personally think limelight is the most favored style by the community, so your story may get more attention if you use it :yum:


Thanks for your input :blush:

That’s a good point thanks!

1 Like

You can also make 2 versions of the story. One could be Limelight and one could be INK. Just an idea!

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