I need help with a choice problem

ASHLEY (talk_startled)
What are you doing?
@NYX is think
@pause for a beat
NYX (talk_neutral_hands_on_hips)
What to do?

“Kissing my boyfriend”(
NYX (flirt_wink)
Kissing my boyfriend
@NYX faces left
@NYX kiss_passionate_loop_rear AND ALEX is kiss_passionate_loop
ASHLEY (talk_startled)
She’s your girlfriend?)
“Umm… nothing sorry”(
NYX (talk_awkward)
Umm… nothing sorry
@ALEX walks to screen center in zone 1
@NYX walks to screen left in zone 1
@NYX is idle_awkward)

this is what the script looks like but the error says
unexpected expression: did you leave out the word “chocie” , or forget put a character name in ALL CAPS?
What do I do to make it go away?

replace the brackets () with {}

Ok thanks

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now its says one of the lines does not have a matching
what does that mean

ASHLEY (talk_startled)
What are you doing?
@NYX is think
@pause for a beat
NYX (talk_neutral_hands_on_hips)
What to do?
“Kissing my boyfriend”{
NYX (flirt_wink)
Kissing my boyfriend
@NYX faces left
@NYX is kiss_passionate_loop_rear AND ALEX is kiss_passionate_loop
ASHLEY (talk_startled)
She’s your girlfriend?
}“Umm… nothing sorry”{
NYX (talk_awkward)
Umm… nothing sorry
@ALEX walks to screen center in zone 1
@NYX walks to screen left in zone 1
@NYX is idle_awkward

oh my god thank you so much

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