I need help with bubble on writing portal

I mass up with bubble

I really have to ask - do you know anything about how coding works? Because it seems to me you have copied some coding from some tutorial and you do not actually understand what the coding doesā€¦if it is so here we canā€™t help you we can help you with one specific code but it is impossible to teach you all the basics of coding in a forum - you really had to first go through tutorials to understand the basic coding and instead of copying it write them so you get to understand what you write is really doing.


sweetheart what you have given here as last screenshot has nothing to do with bubbles - the mistake what I see there is that you havenā€™t changed INKFEMALEAVATAR to name of one of your characters - nothing more I cant read out from this.



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Here where you can find the basic about the script for speachbubbles

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Do you think I can start my story over

I can start my story back over .You can guide me with it ok show me how to writing it I can give you the story can write it to you ok

I much show I get this right ok someone could help show me how writing a story. Some one need teacher how to write portal need some one show me how writing a story.

Sure youcan ā€¦I cant say if it is necessary- maybe you can just learnd the scripts and than simply repare what you already have. Its up to youā€¦or start new chapter and use it just for learning the scripts ā€¦for testingā€¦ there are many ways how to do it but most important is that you will get firt the cknowlage of basic script first.

You should learn minimaly:

  1. how to place a background
  2. How to make dialogue, narrator and thought bubble
  3. how to make character make animation whyle speaking
  4. how to make character make animation without speaking
  5. how to make character enter or exist scene and basic directing

all this you wil find in the guides (and a lot more) - try firt to figure this out on your own. There are also really great explnation videos by Joseph Evans - if videotutorial id for you more easy tu understandā€¦start first with the basic one.

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I am start all back over on ok .I am writing my. Story to you.ok so I dont mass this up on need some help me out with storyā€¦some one tell me need write in a story .I have learn disability that I try my best .deady love that writing about toā€¦i have a lot story on my bookmarks. Need be done.

We all learned the basic from the guids and videos atsā€¦sure you can do it too.:slight_smile: It is realy not dificult just read it through or go through the videos I have send you the link for.

If you need writing partner - poste it here mabe you wil find somebody who would like to cowork with you on your story:

But unfortunatelly I realy do not have the time to write the story with you.

I got a story

How do the walk part. I got it right the guide did help me out how do the walk

Depends if youā€™re using spot directing or not. If so:

@CHAR walks to spot 1.000 200 100 in zone 1 in 2 and CHAR does it while walk_neutral

1.000 is the scale of the character, 200 X coordinate, 100 Y coordinate, zone 1 is changeable if your character walks to another zone, 2 is the duration of the animation in seconds, walk_neutral is changeable to another walking animation.

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How speech bubble can use

Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™m not going to explain this again! Itā€™s in the guides and I already posted an example earlier on.

It ok thank you

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