I need help with if/elif code! ASAP!

I want the MC to wave at her crush with diffrent out comes.
If she waved at her crush, the secne would fade out with her doing the idle_bounce_happy_loop.
(elif) if she dosen’t wave at her crush, the secne would fade out with her doing the idle_sad_serious_loop.
But when I preview it, it didn’t it worked! She did the (idle_bounce_happy_loop) for both out comes instead!
I’m so confused! Please help!
Here’s my script!

sound gasp_female

@speechbubble is 143 305 to 100% with tail_top_left

    HAZEL (react_shocked_gasp)
(OMG! He waved at me!)

(What should I do?)

“Wave Back!”{
gain waved_at_zack
@HAZEL is talk_greet_shy
@cut to zone 3
@ZACK is admire_happy
@cut to zone 1
@speechbubble is 154 297 to 100% with tail_top_left
HAZEL (blush_shy)
(Aww, I made him | animation:shuffle-sideways, color:green |happy!)
@speechbubble reset
“Ignore it!”{
gain didnot_wave_at_zack
@HAZEL is idle_awkward_uneasy_loop
@cut to zone 3
@ZACK is idle_sad_timid_loop
@cut to zone 1
@speechbubble is 157 305 to 100% with tail_top_left
HAZEL (deepbreath)
(Aww man… I made him | animation:shuffle-sideways , color:blue |sad!
@speechbubble reset

if (waved_at_zack){
@HAZEL is idle_bounce_happy_loop

@HAZEL is idle_sad_serious_loop

@transition fade out black in 2


After class.

Sorry if this sounds confusing!

choice (wave_back_or_not)
“Wave Back!”{
@HAZEL is talk_greet_shy
@cut to zone 3
@ZACK is admire_happy
@cut to zone 1
@speechbubble is 154 297 to 100% with tail_top_left
HAZEL (blush_shy)
(Aww, I made him | animation:shuffle-sideways, color:green |happy!)
@speechbubble reset
“Ignore it!”{
@HAZEL is idle_awkward_uneasy_loop
@cut to zone 3
@ZACK is idle_sad_timid_loop
@cut to zone 1
@speechbubble is 157 305 to 100% with tail_top_left
HAZEL (deepbreath)
(Aww man… I made him | animation:shuffle-sideways , color:blue |sad!
@speechbubble reset

I find that displaying choice options like this is a little easier.

As for your other thing:

if (wave_back_or_not is “Wave Back!”){
@HAZEL is idle_bounce_happy_loop

}elif(wave_back_or_not is “Ignore it!”){
@HAZEL is idle_sad_serious_loop


You just forgot to add those little things to your if/elif code.

That’s to show exactly which choice that code is being used for, if that makes sense?

Hope this helps! :blush:

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Thanks! I’ll fix it when my computer is done charging!

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It worked! Thank you so much!

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@Sydney_H Can you close this?

No worries!

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@Sydney_H Can you close this?

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