I need help with props

Hey, can i add props to screen? I don´t want character holding prop, i want it on the screen :smiley: <i hope you understand

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You have to make it into an overlay

i add my own ovarlay

@FEM1 enters from right to screen center
@add Pink Baby Bundle to FEM1
@FEM1 is tinker_loop_rear
@remove Pink Baby Bundle from FEM1
&overlay PINK BABY SWADDLE create
&overlay PINK BABY SWADDLE opacity 1
You need to have something like this and sorry you dn’t need to create an overlay because episode already created one for you

but i want the overlay move where do i like. ya kno what i mean? like i can move characters

that’s possible you can move it with shifts you also have a prevwiever where you can move the overlay and copy the code dat it presents in the help out

@FEM1 enters from right to screen center
@add Pink Baby Bundle to FEM1
@FEM1 is tinker_loop_rear
@remove Pink Baby Bundle from FEM1
&overlay PINK BABY SWADDLE create
&overlay PINK BABY SWADDLE opacity 1
&overlay PINK BABY SWADDLE shifts to 204 196
&overlay PINK BABY SWADDLE scales to 0.006 0.006
this is something that worked for me

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If you don’t want it to just pop up some where add some time to she shifts
&overlay PINK BABY SWADDLE shifts to 204 196
@overlay PINK BABY SWADDLE shifts to 95 195 in 3
it makes sure the prop moves towards it if it still doesn’t work you can always ask or show an example of you’re code

Please check this out! It will help you. :blush: @MrsEmma

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