I Need help with tappable overlay

Are you sure you’re done asking questions?

You have to have dialogue before a choice!
And no worries!

Put it after the }

Oh i did it’s there

Remove the } on 991

Can you send me the part around line 23?

And where is the closing } for it supposed to be?

It was suppose to be at the end of the episode

How come? If you’re planning on making the whole script there, just put the } right after the { on the next line:


I’m not sure if it makes sense when explain it. But like I’m trying to make a skip and read episode again because when a author updates episode gives a pass out to re-read and some of the readers don’t want to re-read. Thats what I’m trying to do.

Ah, I see! Use:

Do you want to skip or read this chapter?

goto end
-whole chapter here-
label end

Thats what I’m trying to do with tappable overlays

Welp, it should work like that

I guess I should add goto end?

Yeah, just in the right spot

I put it here it said this.

And later moved it to the bottom and said this

The 1st picture is correct, just put the goto end after the transition
Sorry if I don’t reply its 3am and im going to bed

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Oh i am so sorry I didn’t know thank you so much for all your help❤