I need help with text overlays

I need help with my text overlays, I’m new to this btw. It says an error on the first line

INT. THORNS AND ROSES INTRO with THORNS to -367 119 in zone 1 with AND to -395 11 in zone 1 with ROSES to 4 -383 -27 in zone 1 (error here)

@overlay THORNS opacity 0

@overlay AND opacity 0

@overlay ROSES opacity 0

@pause for 2

@overlay THORNS shifts to -32 144 in zone 1
@overlay THORNS scales to 1.000 1.000

@overlay THORNS opacity 1 in 2

@overlay AND shifts to 53 165 in zone 1
@overlay AND scales to 0.523 0.523

@overlay AND opacity 1 in 2

@overlay ROSES shifts to -10 39 in zone 1
@overlay ROSES scales to 0.888 0.888

@overlay ROSES opacity 1 in 2

The code to add overlays to the background is:

BG NAME with OLNAME to 1.000 50 50 in zone 1

Where the numbers are taken from the shift and scale command (both)

Also, the overlay names can’t contain the word “and”


I’d code it that way:

&overlay THORNS create
&overlay THORNS shifts to -32 144 in zone 1
&overlay THORNS scales to 1.000 1.000
&overlay AND create
&overlay AND shifts to 53 165 in zone 1
&overlay AND scales to 0.523 0.523
&overlay ROSES create
&overlay ROSES shifts to -10 39 in zone 1
&overlay ROSES scales to 0.888 0.888
@pause for 2
@overlay THORNS opacity 1 in 2
@overlay AND opacity 1 in 2
@overlay ROSES opacity 1 in 2

this shouldn’t cause any error warnings and should display what you wanted! :slight_smile:

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and is a text overlay

Any overlay you upload to the portal that contains the word and will cause problems in the script

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Oh ok, I hope episode fixes it.