I need help with this writing code

@CECILIA3 changes into lingerie

@CECILIA3 enters from right to screen right

@zoom on 960 0 to 321% in 0
@pause for a beat
@zoom on 960 131 to 321% in 0
@pause for a beat
@zoom on 960 283 to 321% in 0
@pause for a beat
@zoom on 960 429 to 321% in 0
@pause for a beat

im trying to show off her outfit starting from her legs and going up to her face

but that coding pauses when it goes up but i dont want that

i seen episodes where they have it what i am trying to do

It’s easy instead of putting “@zoom on…in 0” try “@zoom on… in 1”

Try something like:

@CECILIA3 changes into lingerie
@zoom on 960 0 to 321% in 0
@CECILIA3 enters from right to screen right
@zoom on 960 429 to 321% in 4

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if it was easy then i wouldnt have asked

and putting the number 1 it made it faster but still kept pausing

still paused on each part and number 4 went way too fast

What do you mean when you say “pause on each part”? And you can increase the time (4) to a larger number to increase the time it takes.

@RYAN close please i figured it out

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Ryan left, tag @Sydney_H or @Jeremy