I need opinions on a STORY IDEA!

Do you think there’s any way I can improve the parent’s story??

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Well, what would be the backstory of the parents? You don’t have to have it all down, but what’s the general idea?

PM answer plz

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I love it! I’m a lover of anything supernatural, so I’m down :clap:t2:

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Thank you so much!!

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I was thinking maybe they had the baby but with all the visions of death that the mom keeps having, most people thought she was kinda crazy. So she gets put in one of those mental hospitals and she agrees to go since she knows that if she stays, her kid is not gonna live a normal and happy life. Otherwise her kid is gonna have to grow up surrounded by death.

But I’m not really sure if I’m gonna have the mom appear in the story bc I want the main focus to be on the MC and her relationship with LI. I’m definitely gonna have the dad mention her, but I’m not my sure yet…
I feel like it’s gonna be a little too much and off the main topics of the story if I add that

Idk what do you think I should do??

I think the MC should discuss her mommy issues if this is the type of background, especially since she’s a daughter with just a father, it would normally take a toll if that’s how it is, but I wont tell you how to set the story up. Anything could change.

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I’ll definitely incorporate the discussion into my story, thanks!!

I LOVE your idea (in the spoiler section) - that’s not something I can recall seeing happen on another story before!

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It sounds so cool! I’m sure it hasn’t been done before, go for it!

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Thank you so much!!

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Thank youuuu!!
I definitely will!!

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Can i dm u plz

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There are no bad ideas, just bad execution.

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I have that idea, yo go Glen Coco :laughing:

It sounds interesting and unique, I’ll definitely read it!

This idea is gold! But I have some advice!

  • Try to make the MC original/not cliche. I’m not telling you to not make him/her a bad boy/girl…Okay maybe low-key I am :sweat_smile: But try to make them a character with good traits, flaws, and issues that don’t involve the MC, and make those issues or their background (their familys’ treatment, bullying, love from others, ect) affect them and the way they communicate with others, and how it affects people around them, either postitivley or negitivaly, and develop and change them throughout the story, kind of a slowburn on their romance or slight changes every now and then to shape their character.

  • Give your story a vibe. This might sound strange, but let me explain! Almost every movie has a different vibe, like, think of Lalaland and compare it to Corpse Bride. It might be harder because of the lack of change to the artsyle, but with the help of outfits, filters, and backgrounds, it gets better!

  • Give the characters unique designs. If you do CC, it is not as important, but it still is for the friends or extra characters. try avoiding common facial features and names like Axel or Darius. Make them have facial features that match their personality or ethnicity, like how in pixar movies, you can tell what a character’s personality is based off the design they give you, or you can do one of those tropes where the character looks completely different than how they act, like a girl with tattoos and scars be a total soft sweetheart, or a pretty boy with cute clothes be gangsta and straight up savage.

  • Use different grammer for different characters. You know how people talk differently, like an english girl says words like “bloody” or “rubbish”, as while characters who are always looking for a fight think cussing is a language.

  • AVOID STEREOTYPES!!! I cannot stress this enough! Not every black girl is loud and boy crazy, not every latina is sexy and jealous, not every asian girl is shy and nerdy, and not every white girl is rude, cocky, and obsessed with food. Every country and ethnicity has different people, and with that said, same goes to groups of people like lgbtq+ people, not all gay men are fashion-obsessed and yell “OH MY GOSH SLAY GIRL!!” every 5 seconds, and not every lesbian hooks up with any girl who says hi. Understand that everybody is different and unique.


I want to read this!

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I REALLY agree with the slow romance burn thing!! I personally can’t stand rushed relationships in stories, characters need time to develop/get to know each other & their flaws etc., it’s annoying when romances are rushed straight away, I get so disinterested/bored when that happens.


Me too! That is why I prefer romance in anime instead of Episode, because they are too rushed and sexual.

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