I need overlay help ☹

So I am trying to make my overlay fade in but my overlay wont show up
here’s the script.

@overlay 1 YEAR LATER create
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER opacity 0 in 0
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER shifts to -76 -142 in zone 1
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER scales to 1.010 1.010
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER moves to layer 1
@pause for 1
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER opacity 1 in 0.5

anyone able to help

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Maybe try opacity 0 (leave it like that) and opacity 1 in 1?

Also, check that you’ve spelt the overlay right and have put it on the right spot! Also, if you have multiple overlays, make sure you’ve layered it correctly. Usually I put it as layer 14 to move to the front :sob:

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Opacity 1 is basically nth u need to add a percentage sign after that and try changing it for 1 to 100% then it should fully show up :two_hearts:

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@overlay 1 YEAR LATER create
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER opacity 0% in 0
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER shifts to -76 -142 in zone 1
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER scales to 1.010 1.010
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER moves to layer 1
@pause for 1
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER opacity 100% in 0.5

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I think your overlay won’t show up bc the spot where you want it to be is off screen (- 76 - 142) or if you checked in spot directing and if that’s not the issue maybe your overlay is under some overlay so u need to change the layer OR your background is INT. BLACK - NIGHT / DAY and if that’s the case ur overlay isn’t showing up bc overlays don’t work on that background

or u can try
&overlay 1 YEAR LATER create
&overlay 1 YEAR LATER opacity 0 in 0
&overlay 1 YEAR LATER shifts to -76 -142 in zone 1
&overlay 1 YEAR LATER scales to 1.010 1.010
@overlay 1 YEAR LATER moves to layer 1
@pause for 1
@overlay 1YEAR LATER opacity 1 in 0.5