I need Relationship Help

SOOOOO I’m in a very very big mess. Let me just run through it with you. My Boy BSF and this guy used to date. Like 3 years ago when they were in 6th grade it’s not that serious- and then my other boy bsf probably liked me and hes freaking out. this guy really means a lot to me and i’m really interested in him and I want to see where this goes. Please help.

If you like each other, then what is stopping you? Maybe it will grow out to something beautiful! :heart:
I think you don’t have to worry about that other guy if that is the thing that is worrying you, because it wasn’t that serious and they broke up for a reason, right?
Good luck :blush:


Tysm and we are happy and my boy bsf is fine with it now everything worked out :heart::heart:

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Omg, I’m so happy to hear that! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

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